Category Archives: Administrative

Strange Internet Problems

As some of you have heard (it seems to be the main news now on cable), Florida had a massive power outage today. It didn’t affect me, except indirectly.

About quarter after one, I heard a little click from my UPS, which usually indicates a power drop, but we didn’t lose power, and even a computer that wasn’t on a UPS didn’t seem to have a problem. But I noticed shortly afterward that I had no internet connection. The DSL modem lights were all working fine, but I couldn’t connect, even after repeated resets. I ended up being on the phone with AT&T for over an hour, and they finally got things working again. They told me that somehow (somehow?) my authentication had gotten screwed up, and that they had rejiggered (or some other technical term) the lines to get it working again. They didn’t believe that it had anything to do with the power outage–that it was just coincidence. I’m skeptical.

Anyway, as you can see, I’m back on line.

Sore And Sunburned

Yeah, no posting today. Some long-time (over three decades) friends from Michigan were down for the weekend, and we went canoeing/kayaking today, seven miles round trip, on the south fork of the St. Lucie River, up in Stuart. I sunblocked my arms and upper portions, but forgot to do my legs. I’m just not used to wearing shorts, even in Florida.

I may post some pictures later, if after looking at them they seem worthwhile. We were a little disappointed at the wildlife. Only saw a couple gators, and no manatees. We saw several slider turtles though, and a sandhill crane walking through someone’s front (on the river side) yard. And no one fishing, which seemed a little surprising.

Reader Poll

OK, I’m not actually going to bother to set up a reader poll. Just comment here. The issue is blog format on the main page (and perhaps archive pages as well).

When I moved to the new blogging platform, the default for things like permalink, author, comments, trackback, categories, etc., was to put it at the top, right after the post title. I had it there for a while, but a few days ago, I moved it back down to the bottom of the post, where it had been for the previous six years. Does anyone have any strong feelings about it one way or the other? My thinking was that it was a cleaner post the way it always was–title, then post, then other stuff. But if people are reading and only interested in space posts, or political posts, it might be better to tell them up front (and also tell them how many have commented on it).

I guess the question is, how much information do folks want before bothering to read the post (assuming it’s a long enough one for it to matter), and does that desire override the aesthetics of not interrupting the flow between title and text? And (of course) are there other issues that I haven’t considered?

[Update in the late evening]

Folks, I know it’s frustrating, but this is not the post in which to complain that my blog comments section crashes browsers.

First of all, it doesn’t crash browsers (AFAIK). It merely times out. It always times out, whether by posting comments or posting or updating posts. That’s the nature of the beast as a result of the “upgrade” to MT 4.0.

I am most painfully aware of it. That’s why I warn people before they post comments about it. I’m working on it, but I don’t know enough about MT to fix it, and I haven’t gotten any offers from anyone who does to help.

My current thinking is that I’ll put author and category at the top, because those are the things that people would like to know as an input to their evaluation as to whether to read or not. The other things (comments, trackback, Digg, Technorati, etc.) will go at the bottom, because those are things that one wants to deal with after reading the post.

Any major objections?

[Update on Saturday morning]

As to the IE6 crashing problem, I have no idea what to do about that short of not providing a link to Amazon. I’m reluctant to do that, because it’s one of the few sources of income that I get to support this blog. If someone can look at the code and tell me if there’s something I can fix that still allows it to work, I’ll be happy to do that.

[Early afternoon update]

OK, per some good suggestions in comments, I’m going with author, date and categories at the top, so people can judge whether or not they want to read it. I’ll do permalinks, comments, trackbacks and referrals at the bottom.

Still working some of the other issues.

[Late afternoon update]

For what it’s worth, I just tried with IE 6.0.2800.1106, and have no problems. No crashing, and it takes me to Amazon. So there’s something else going on than just IE6.

More Blog Rebuilding Progress

Despite the vast suckitude of the Movable Type documentation, I’m slowly starting to figure things out. One of the nice features of the upgrade is that it allows multiple categories, rather than just one, and I’ve finally figured out how to display them. Not only that, but you’ll see that if you click on a category associated with a given post, that you’ll get an archive page of all posts in that category. That will allow those who complain that they come here only for the space stuff, or only for the politics, to customize the blog to their own tastes (assuming that I do a good job of categorizing things).

Unfortunately, it’s a huge page, because it contains literally every post in that category that I’ve ever written. It’s a fast load for me, because I have a good connection, but I may change it so that it only gives you the previous (say) month’s worth of posts, to help those that are more bandwidth challenged. This feature will also allow folks who have me in their blogroll with specific interests to link to that specific interest (e.g., fellow space bloggers might want to just link to the space posts). If I can figure out a way to build a link (and archive page) with a filter for multiple categories, I’ll let folks know, but at least some customization is doable now.

I also have to pretty up the archive pages so they look like this one.

And I still haven’t solved the timing-out problem, so we’ll just have to continue to suffer with it for now, until I can get some help from an MT guru.

A Clue To My MT Problems

I’m getting this error on every page of my management site:

Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at website/extlib/I18N/ line 394.

I did a Google for that exact error, and only came up with one hit, which wasn’t very helpful (I’ve tried recopying the extlib files, and even wiping out the directory and copying them as new), but it still gives the error.

I will, say, though, that going from 4.01 to 4.1 has cleaned up some of my GUI problems. The big issue at this point is getting it to complete the publishing task without hanging (which is what’s causing the time outs when y’all comment).

Off The Air Temporarily

I’ve shut down comments (I think) temporarily while I attempt an upgrade from MT-4.01 to MT-4.1, in the modest hope that it will straighten out some of the problems I’ve been having with timeouts. Hopefully not for long.

[A few minutes later]

OK, I’ve updated. Let’s see if we’re still having problems.

[Update a few minutes later]

Nope, still hanging up.

I Don’t Feel Quite So Badly Now

I’m not the only one having issues with Movable Type:

I have succeeded in loading Style Contest templates into my style browser, and have applied them, and been informed I have successfully applied them and republished the site, and they do not show up. In fact it managed to destroy the page entirely, putting all the columns at the bottom of the page. Time to rip it up and start from scratch.

Don’t email me until I send up flares. I need to figure this out myself.

Good luck with that, James.

I Don’t Feel Quite So Badly Now

I’m not the only one having issues with Movable Type:

I have succeeded in loading Style Contest templates into my style browser, and have applied them, and been informed I have successfully applied them and republished the site, and they do not show up. In fact it managed to destroy the page entirely, putting all the columns at the bottom of the page. Time to rip it up and start from scratch.

Don’t email me until I send up flares. I need to figure this out myself.

Good luck with that, James.

I Don’t Feel Quite So Badly Now

I’m not the only one having issues with Movable Type:

I have succeeded in loading Style Contest templates into my style browser, and have applied them, and been informed I have successfully applied them and republished the site, and they do not show up. In fact it managed to destroy the page entirely, putting all the columns at the bottom of the page. Time to rip it up and start from scratch.

Don’t email me until I send up flares. I need to figure this out myself.

Good luck with that, James.

Things Looking Up

OK, I’m slowly getting things back to normal. I still have to fix the templates on my individual entry sheets, and there are some problems with style sheets, as you can see by the flaky typefaces. The biggest problem remains comments, which still aren’t working as advertised. I’ve got some questions up on the MT fora, but no useful response yet. I also have a problem with the software hanging when I publish a post (it just times out and gives me a 500). Fortunately, it seems to do what it’s supposed to do before that happens, but it’s a PITA. I’m hoping that some MT type can tell me how to run a debugger to figure out where and what the problem is. The real problem is that it also means that it times out when submitting a comment, so if anyone tries to do that, they’ll get frustrated, and perhaps end up doing it multiple times. So I’m going to have to disable them for now.

Still working problems and not much time for blogging, though I’m working on a SS2 piece for another venue, and I’ll probably be blogging the debate tonight at Pajamas, since it’s just around the corner from me, over at FAU.

I’m going to keep this post at the top for a while, as a warning that the site is still under construction. Don’t let any bytes fall on your head.