OK, I’m not actually going to bother to set up a reader poll. Just comment here. The issue is blog format on the main page (and perhaps archive pages as well).
When I moved to the new blogging platform, the default for things like permalink, author, comments, trackback, categories, etc., was to put it at the top, right after the post title. I had it there for a while, but a few days ago, I moved it back down to the bottom of the post, where it had been for the previous six years. Does anyone have any strong feelings about it one way or the other? My thinking was that it was a cleaner post the way it always was–title, then post, then other stuff. But if people are reading and only interested in space posts, or political posts, it might be better to tell them up front (and also tell them how many have commented on it).
I guess the question is, how much information do folks want before bothering to read the post (assuming it’s a long enough one for it to matter), and does that desire override the aesthetics of not interrupting the flow between title and text? And (of course) are there other issues that I haven’t considered?
[Update in the late evening]
Folks, I know it’s frustrating, but this is not the post in which to complain that my blog comments section crashes browsers.
First of all, it doesn’t crash browsers (AFAIK). It merely times out. It always times out, whether by posting comments or posting or updating posts. That’s the nature of the beast as a result of the “upgrade” to MT 4.0.
I am most painfully aware of it. That’s why I warn people before they post comments about it. I’m working on it, but I don’t know enough about MT to fix it, and I haven’t gotten any offers from anyone who does to help.
My current thinking is that I’ll put author and category at the top, because those are the things that people would like to know as an input to their evaluation as to whether to read or not. The other things (comments, trackback, Digg, Technorati, etc.) will go at the bottom, because those are things that one wants to deal with after reading the post.
Any major objections?
[Update on Saturday morning]
As to the IE6 crashing problem, I have no idea what to do about that short of not providing a link to Amazon. I’m reluctant to do that, because it’s one of the few sources of income that I get to support this blog. If someone can look at the code and tell me if there’s something I can fix that still allows it to work, I’ll be happy to do that.
[Early afternoon update]
OK, per some good suggestions in comments, I’m going with author, date and categories at the top, so people can judge whether or not they want to read it. I’ll do permalinks, comments, trackbacks and referrals at the bottom.
Still working some of the other issues.
[Late afternoon update]
For what it’s worth, I just tried with IE 6.0.2800.1106, and have no problems. No crashing, and it takes me to Amazon. So there’s something else going on than just IE6.