Because my life was too care free, and being a glutton for punishment, I decided to upgrade from Fedora Core 7 to 8.
Unfortunately, the latest distribution doesn’t fit on CDs any more, and I don’t have a DVD reader in the machine to be upgraded. So I decided to build a boot disk on a cd, and do it from the network. So I build the CD, for x86_64 (the machine is running on an Athlon 64), boot with it, and everything is going fine until it’s about ready to start checking for dependencies. It gives me a message (from memory): “You are about to upgrade to x86_64, but your previous installation is i386. It is likely that this upgrade will fail. Do you want to continue?”
I scratch my head. I’m pretty sure that the last install was a 64 bit one. Maybe they mean that it will fail if I don’t have a 64-bit processor, but I do, so I tell it to go ahead. It starts checking dependencies, and the bar starts to move slowly to the right. Until it’s a quarter of the way, at which point it quits moving. I go away and come back in an hour. Still no motion. I go away and come back after a couple hours. Still stuck. I go to bed. I get up in the morning. No more progress. It finally exits with an error.
I try it from a different FTP site. No joy.
OK, if it thinks that it’s an i386 installation, I’ll just update that, and worry about making it 64 bit later. Burn the disk. Boot.
This time, when I get to the same place, I get the following message: “You are about to upgrade to i386, but your previous installation is x86_64. It is likely that this upgrade will fail. Do you want to continue?”
Note the subtle difference from the previous error message.
OK, the installer is schizo. When I try to install i386, it thinks it’s replacing x86_64, and when I try to install x86_64, it thinks it’s replacing i386. I tell it to go ahead. I get the same result–it hangs during the dependency check, at exactly the same place.
Any Fedora gurus out there with any suggestions? (Pete Zaitcev, I’m looking at you…)