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Category Archives: Administrative
Stupid Fedora Question
If I put an executable shellscript into /etc/rc.d/init.d, will it run at startup?
Comments Hygiene Note
I finally got fed up with “jack lee” today. The last-straw comment can be viewed here. He will no longer be endimmening us with his ignorance and stupidity, at least with that IP address.
Commenting here is not a right. It is a privilege, and one that he has been abusing (as he abused our intelligence) for years. No more.
Heading Out
The conference runs until Sunday morning, but I haven’t been home since last Wednesday, and I’m getting kind of burned out, and I’ve talked to pretty much everyone I hoped/wanted to. So I’ll probably be driving back down to Boca this evening. See you tomorrow.
I have found a rare confluence at this conference — simultaneous power and connectivity. I hadn’t realized until today just how much my laptop battery sucks (HP Pavilion dv5, less than a year old, if anyone’s wondering). I started using it this morning, and checked the battery after about fifteen minutes, and it told me I had about fifty minutes left…
I don’t know if it’s the design, or if there’s a memory problem because I don’t use it off the grid much, and rarely deplete it, or what. But I might have to start carrying a spare, or get one of those things that plugs in externally as a backup.
And of course, I don’t have the ultimate, unachievable combination — power, connectivity, at a comfortable table, with something interesting to listen to. I’m sitting in a chair in the hotel lobby. Fortunately, there’s nothing I’m really hot to hear going on right now.
Off For The Day
Sorry for the light summit blogging after a fast start. A combination of networking and having trouble with my setup. But Doug Messier has been taking good notes to pick up my slacking off (not a permalink, but if you’re reading this in the next day or so, just keep scrolling). Probably off line until tomorrow morning, when the ISDC starts.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Oh, one more thing. Jon Goff has some interesting thoughts on lunar COTS.
Back From Missouri
But not back home, yet. I’m in Orlando, and may be here the rest of the week, for the Space Investment Summit tomorrow and the ISDC after that.
I’m going to be gone for the next week and a half (including some time at the ISDC) and am packing tonight and flying tomorrow (the next week will be in central Missouri). I’ll be doing the “have laptop, will travel” gig, though, because this is a working vacation, so I won’t be totally absent, but I’m unlikely to post much for the next day or so.
[Thursday morning update]
Travel went fine yesterday, but I didn’t get out the laptop until this morning. More posts anon.
Jack Lee
I’ve gotten pretty tired of his continual distraction and obfuscation, and low S/N ratio.
How does the rest of the community here feel? I haven’t banned many commenters (I think they can be counted on one hand). What say you?
SSHFS Problems
I’ve been using sshfs to do remote editing on my web server. I create a directory with the server name as a mount point, owned by me in my home directory. I then mount with
$ sshfs -p <portnumber> <servername>: <mountpoint>
I also have the keys set up so it does so without a password prompt. It seems to work, but I only have read-only access — when I try to write a file it tells me that I don’t have permission. Also, I notice that when the file system is mounted, I get an owner and group of “1009” for the mount point. Is this normal? Does anyone have any idea what’s going on?
[Tuesday morning update]
D’oh! I just noticed that my line command wasn’t displaying properly before. It’s fixed now.