Sun’s up in Tallahassee, so I don’t want to waste the light. Hoping for the bayou by lunchtime, and when the times comes for tonight’s appointment with Hypnos, I expect to be (as the old song goes) deep in the heart of Texas.
Though the radar indicates rain on the road ahead. At least this time, unlike my trip coming to Florida five years ago, the air conditioning works in the car (or at least it did as of last night), so I won’t be getting rained on with windows open in the steamy climate.
[Friday night update]
Yes, I’m alive, didn’t sleep in a truck stop, wasn’t abducted by aliens in Roswell, and wasn’t tempted to stay in TX by the brisket, contra comments.
I stayed in a Days Inn in Kerrville, about forty-five minutes west of San Antonio, that had free wifi. It was worth twice the price. Or half. It doesn’t really matter, because either way, the point is that it didn’t work. Some hotel could do good business by advertising “Free wifi that really works, or we’ll refund half your room rate,” and make it happen.
Anyway, I’m in Phoenix, staying with a niece and her husband and new (well, relatively new — seventeen months) son, whom I hadn’t seen. Back to LA in the morning.