Except when I write about politics; then I write like:
Category Archives: Administrative
Public Service Announcement
If you get a Facebook message from me or anyone saying that I liked “Girls Are Unable to Stare at This for 10 Seconds, but Guys Can…,” it’s some kind of scam. Don’t follow it.
I’d send a warning to all my FB friends, but my FB pages doesn’t seem to be working properly (e.g., I don’t seem to have a way to update my status, and I can’t type a list name into a message).
Back In The Saddle Again
We got a 7:30 AM flight out of O’Hare and arrived at LAX about 10:30. Unfortunately, our gate was jammed with a disabled aircraft, and the alternate gate took a while to find someone to drive the jetway to the right height and distance. But I’m back home now, and getting ready to tackle the latest space-policy lunacy from the Hill.
Continued Light Blogging
We’re back in a (presumably) termite-free house, but it needs to be recombobulated, and we’re leaving first thing in the morning for a family reunion in Michigan, and won’t be back until Monday. So expect less bloggage than usual.
[Update late Saturday night]
Just checking in. Had a party at my brother’s house on a lake in Linden, with long-lost relatives, burgers and Koegels hot dogs, cole slaw from cabbage fresh from the garden, and abundant beer. Blogging will continue to be light.
Page Loading Problem Fixed
I hope, anyway. I disabled the technorati script.
Light And Scattered Blogging
We’re having the house fumigated today and tomorrow, so I’ll be evacuating in a couple hours to a secret undisclosed location. Playing it by ear in terms of Internet access and time to post.
[Late evening update]
I am ensconced in my lair. Dick Cheney is nowhere to be seen.
Yes, I Know, Thanks
A lot of people have been emailing me about problems loading the site. It’s getting hung up on a call to the server b.scorecardresearch.com, which I think is part of Google Analytics’ way of tracking my traffic. If anyone has any suggestions about what to do about this (up to and including disabling GA), I’m all ears.
I Didn’t Feel A Thing
It looks like an aftershock, though.
To Whom It May Concern
Any use of the phrase “science project” or “toy rocket” or “hobbyist” with regard to ULA and SpaceX at this point will identify the user as either clueless or disingenuous. Certainly no one worth paying attention to, at least on the subject of space policy. Note, this is a comment spurred more by the commentary over at Space Politics than anything in particular here. It was just a perfect storm. 😉
Continuing Video Driver Problems
OK, so after bollixing things up by installing Nvidia’s third-party drivers, I removed them, uninstalled the X server, and then reinstalled it, in the hope that it would clean things up. I also reinstalled the akmod-nvidia package. But I can’t get X to run. Here is the error I get: Continue reading Continuing Video Driver Problems