On the train in Union Station waiting to head to BWI, THEN Atlanta then LAX. Probably not much posting today.
Category Archives: Administrative
Off To DC
Light blogging until at least this evening, barring Wifi on the plane.
Martha Zoller Show
I’ll be on at 10:15 EDT tomorrow morning to talk about my PJMedia piece.
Off The Air
I’m heading down to the Queen Mary in Long Beach to give a talk at BIL2012.
Driving Back To LA
…in case anyone is wondering why I’m not posting today.
I’m Alive
We drove up to the Bay Area through Big Sur today. Had better things to do than blog. Just posted this from my phone.
A Pro Tip
Don’t gash your knee horizontally right on the patella. I did it early Tuesday morning when I bumped into a glass framed picture in the dark. It also made a bloody mess on the bedroom carpet. Alcohol was not involved. Much.
I got staples in it today and it hurts like hell to bend it, and probably will for the next week or two until they’re removed. There’s just a lot of tension there when you stretch the skin, and the staples pull on it. I’ll be hobbling around for a while, especially up and down stairs. It will also be an ongoing joy to work a clutch. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect typing, except I have to work a little further back from the screen/keyboard because of my outstretched leg.
This may or may not be TMI.
[Thursday-morning update]
Thanks for all the well wishes in comments. It’s actually feeling better today. It will probably be stiff until I get the staples removed and relieve the tension on the skin, but I’m walking almost normally, albeit gingerly.
Light Blogging
I’ve been working on a piece for PJMedia on Mitt Romney’s (non) space policy, and a projection of what will be happening in space in 2012 for Popular Mechanics. Plus, I just got back from the dentist to get a tooth implant.
Light And Scattered Blogging
We’re going up to Plane Crazy in Mojave, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the flight of the Voyager this week, and today’s 108th anniversary of the Wright Brothers first flight. I expect to see a lot of canards flying in for the event.
Too Busy Cooking To Blog
To all my American readers, have a happy and bountiful Thanksgiving.