Category Archives: Administrative

Playing With Themes

If things look a little weird around here, it’s because I’m updating my WordPress theme.

[Update a while later]

Well, the changeover went smoothly, but I’ve got a lot of patching up to do. Can anyone look at the source and tell me why the Amazon image and an ad image above it that I’m trying to display aren’t showing up? Or do you need to see the style sheets, too?

[Update a couple minutes later]

Never mind on the ad problem; I fixed it.

Light And Scattered Blogging

I’m at ISDC, but it’s not blogger friendly.  No tables or power for laptops, poor bandwidth. I didn’t even bother to bring my laptop today because the utility/hassle ratio is too low. I’m posting this from my phone.

And tomorrow I’ll be flying back to CA.  But hey, it’s a holiday weekend.  Why are you reading this blog anyway?  Go out and do something fun, and remember those who sacrificed to make it possible, on Monday.

Off To Phoenix

We’re hitting the road in a few minutes. I may check in with my phone, but we should be arriving at the conference (Space Access) mid afternoon. I would note that today is the fifty-first anniversary of the first man in orbit (which will be celebrated at parties tonight, including one at the conference) and the thirty-first of the first Shuttle flight.