Category Archives: Administrative

Commenting Problems

A few people have told me that they’ve been having problems commenting lately. I finally figured out the problem. I get notified of moderated comments that WordPress is holding, but not for Akismet. So I just went into Akismet and found several comments by regulars that it had thought (for whatever reason) was spam. I’ve released them all, and will now start checking that regularly i.e. at least daily). If you are trying to post and it’s not accepting it, let me know.

Back Home

We got in last night (did some hiking in Yosemite on Monday). Yes, I’m aware of the site issues. The problem seems to be intermittent, which makes it harder to troubleshoot (and I’m not that much of a PHP maven to do such troubleshooting). I suspect it has something to do with the template update I did a few weeks ago. Any suggestions are appreciated. But I’m also pretty busy getting a talk prepared for the Mars Society conference on Friday, and getting caught up from being gone for a week.

On The Road Again

I’m driving up to San Jose this afternoon to attend NewSpace 2012, so blogging will be nonexistent until tonight, and perhaps light for the next few days.

[Thursday morning update]

Got in about 7:30 last night (I came up 101 rather than 5), and had dinner with a few folks. I’ll be heading over to the conference hotel in a few minutes (I’m staying down in San Jose). Not sure what the Internet situation will be there, but I’ll probably at least be able to tether to my phone. There’s supposed to be a big Armadillo announcement today (I’m guessing that it has to do with their planned flight into space in the next month or so).