A bleg. Does anyone have any idea why I can’t get anything more recent than 11 AM on the site, no matter how many times I reload? It comes in fine on my laptop, but not on my desktop. I’m in Firefox.
Category Archives: Administrative
Heading Back To LA
No posting until later this afternoon.
Off To New Mexico
I’m heading off to the Personal Spaceflight Symposium in a few minutes, so probably no blogging until tonight or tomorrow.
Posting Short Comments
For those wondering how it’s done, just insert some empty HTML tags, like this:
<em> </em>
Intermittent Blogging
I’m at Space 2012 again today, which is frustrating, because there’s certainly a lot to blog about, with a keyboard hot from Hell. Just go over to PJMedia for a lot of great stuff. How long will the state-controlled press be able to maintain the narrative that Obama is “good on foreign policy“?
[Update a few minutes later]
“We came, we saw, he died.” Just for those who fantasize that Mrs. Clinton would be better on foreign policy than Obama. She is the Secretary of State, after all. This is her foreign policy.
Light Blogging
I can’t really sit up very well, so any computer work I do is lying on a couch with a laptop. I’m watching football and poking away at my space safety paper.
But I will note an amusing spam. It was from “Cancer.” Yeah, that’s just who I want to open emails from. One of the generally bizarre things about spam is that the spammers make no distinction between “From” and “Subject” headers. You’ll find anything in either one, and often the same thing in both.
Back In The Saddle
Well, everything went according to plan. Though from a pain standpoint, it’s likely to get worse before it gets better, because they shot up the area with a local, and I’ll probably be unhappy when it wears off (I do have decent meds, though). But at least for now, I’m ambulatory, up and down stairs, and can sit at the computer.
It was probably good to get this out of the way in front of a three-day weekend…
[Friday mid-morning update]
Just to end all the speculation in comments, it was not an “@n@l spelunking” (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I had to patch up (literally) an inguinal hernia on the right side. I was trying to avoid TMI, but…
My Upcoming Blogging Hiatus
I’m going under the knife tomorrow, for some long-overdue minor (or perhaps more than minor, but routine) surgery. Not sure how long it will be until I’m at the computer again, but if you don’t hear from me for a few days, that’s why.
[Update a few minutes later]
For those concerned, it really is routine. Nothing life threatening — just some repair to the structure. I am very fortunate that this is the most major medical situation with which I’ve had to deal in my life. For instance, I’m sure that childbirth would be much worse. One of the reasons I so admire women.
Back To The Not-So-Golden State
Heading back from MI. No posting until tonight, unless it’s from my phone.
Off Line
I’m traveling to Michigan tomorrow for a family visit. Nothing until tomorrow night, likely, if then.
[Wednesday morning update]
Arrived last night, perhaps more anon.