I was traveling most of last week, and I’m now frantically trying to finish the book. Plus, I had a tooth extracted this morning.
Just in case anyone was wondering why blogging has been light to non-existent.
[Wednesday morning update]
Thanks for the sympathy, but it’s really not that bad. The extraction was almost painless, with lidocaine, and I’ve only experienced a little swelling, and not much pain, on ibuprofen. I feel pretty much back to normal today. Next related project is an implant, in a few months after the bone graft has filled in and healed, but my experience with those is that they’re not a big deal, either. Modern dentistry is one of the many reasons that I wouldn’t want to have been born in an earlier era.
Ed Driscoll has what looks like an interesting post on the space colonization movement, but unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to link to it. The URL looks fine, but it redirects back to http://pjmedia.com/eddriscoll/. Is it just me? Can anyone else see it?
[Update a while later]
OK, just got a new URL from Ed, that works. I haven’t actually read the whole thing yet, because I couldn’t see the second page, but I may have more commentary after I do.
Over the weekend, I installed a WordPress plugin to allow a wide range of social media sharing. Apparently it was causing a lot of problems, so I deactivated it yesterday. In case anyone was wondering.
I drove up to Mojave and back yesterday, and then got busy trying to tweak the book website, so posting has obviously been light.
Can anyone tell me why the sidebar is displaying at the bottom of the page on the static home page, but on the side where it belongs on the dynamic pages? I’m not seeing any significant difference in the code, unless it’s a stylesheet issue.
We have relatives visiting from out of town, and are driving up to the Carmel and the Central Coast for a couple days. I probably won’t bring a computer. Back on the air on Saturday, likely.
I’m heading back to St. Louis in the morning, then on a plane back to Greece on the Pacific aka the formerly Golden State. I’ll probably check in tomorrow evening, PST.
I know that it’s Wednesday, but Amazon is extending the deals all week, including lightning deals that change every hour. Also, check out the Christmas (not “holiday”) Corner.
I appreciate the purchases that folks have made through the site so far this month, particularly the iPod Touch and Kindle. Also, I notice that someone bought Jake Tapper’s must-read new book on Afghanistan. I hope that more do. Here’s an interview with him about it over at National Review Online.
If you’re doing your shopping on-line at Amazon today (or any day), this site is an affiliate, and your click-throughs via the box at the left (or links in this post) help support me. They have a lot of deals today, including half off the entire Battlestar Galactica series.