We’re heading back to California from Golden this morning, spending the night in Mesquite, NV (which we’ve never done before, so that will be mildly interesting). Probably back in LA early tomorrow afternoon (we have to return the rental by 4:30). More anon.
We got in this afternoon. Stayed in Richfield, UT, which is a nice halfway point if one is taking the most direct route, up I-15 from SoCal, then I-70 to Denver.
We’re driving to Colorado for Thanksgiving, so not much posting before Wednesday. Meanwhile, if you have a subscription, I’m quoted in the Sunday edition of the Times of London. The subject is the race between Jeff’s tortoise and Elon’s hare.
[Update a while later, before hitting the road]
This is the quote from me: “‘It appears Bezos is finally getting serious,’ said Rand Simberg, a space industry consultant. ‘To this point, Blue Origin has looked more like a hobby. Jeff saw himself as the turtle to Elon’s hare — never realising that Elon was really the Duracell Bunny.'”
Speculation, over at Bob Zimmerman’s place. I make no predictions, but I obviously hope it’s sooner than later.
I’ve been at ASCEND in Vegas for the past three days, and tonight I have a red eye to DC to do final prep for the trial on Monday, so blogging will continue to be light.
I just flew into DC for the pre-trial hearing, and most of the week will be spent in trial prep, so if you don’t hear from me, that’s why. I’ll be meeting with Mark Steyn in the morning before the hearing.