No, not political correctness — personal computer. I’m doing a mobo/processor upgrade. I notice that almost all the AMD processors have Radeon graphics built in. I assume that in order to take advantage of this, I have to have a mobo with video support? I’ve been operating off an old PCI express card for years, and have no problems with it, but if I can get significant performance improvement from the new built-in GPU, it might be worth spending a little more for a video mobo. I don’t do any heavy graphics, but maybe it would be nice to go to full HD and fast processing.
[Update a few minutes later]
OK, all the boards have video outputs, so when it says it has no on-board video support, that just means that it has no dedicated graphics chips, and relies on the processor, right? So the GPU built in to the CPU would work, and be better than my old PCI express? Or is the separate card better because it has its own memory?
I’m at the Galloway Symposium on Space Law this morning, then off to NASA for a LEO commercial workshop in the afternoon. Haven’t decided whether to schlep computer.
Posting has been light because we came down to Florida last week to get our house ready to put on the market. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to extricate the tenants, who had previously agreed to vacate on the 31st of July. We’re finally playing legal hardball with them, but it’s been a lot of wasted time to date, and we have tickets back to CA tomorrow.
Just if you were wondering why posting has been light.
Taking a red eye to West Palm Beach tonight, for a week and a half of misery. I’ll have a laptop, but not sure when I’ll check in again. There’s a possibility we’ll drive up to the Cape for the SpaceX launch on Tuesday, but it’s at a gruesome hour: 1:15 AM.
[Tuesday-morning update]
Blogging will be light this week. We’re prepping a house to get it on the market.
Glad I didn’t attempt to watch the successful launch. It would have been an all nighter, with the delay.
We drove down from Vallejo today, through the city and down the west coast of the peninsula through Santa Cruz. Stopped at Moss Landing and saw some of the humpback whales right off shore that have been coming in close recently, apparently due to an increase in food supply in Monterey Bay. Back to normal posting tomorrow, I hope.