Yesterday, while installing a new router, my ethernet connection quit working. This morning, when I plugged the cable back in to troubleshoot, the computer died, and won’t reboot. This is a recent new motherboard. Not even sure how to start troubleshooting.
[Update a few minutes later]
I unplugged the cord from the power supply, plugged it back in, and the machine came back to life. Still no eth0, though.
[Update late morning]
OK, this is making me nuts. I went out to Office Depot, who didn’t stock any PCI-E ethernet cards, but they had a USB wireless dongle for thirteen bucks. I bring it home, plug it into the back of the machine, and the machine dies again. And this time, I don’t seem able to resurrect it.
An exact replacement for the mobo would be $150. But I’m not sure if I want another one.
[Update a while later]
OK, apparently when I was futzing around on the back panel, I was killing the switch on the power supply.
So I’ve plugged in the USB dongle, but the OS isn’t seeing it.
[Afternoon update]
OK, the OS is seeing the dongle, but it won’t connect to my wireless network. It attempts, then drops it.
In better news, I now seem to have a wired connection. The bad news is that I have no DNS. I can only ping by IP, not by domain name.
[Update a while later]
OK, I think I found the problem. Apparently my ExpressVPN account has expired, and it had written its nameserver into /etc/resolv.conf. I changed it to the router IP, and now it’s working (though I’m still getting a question mark on the network connection).