For more than a decade, the media, Democrats, and Hollywood have told us that Western civilization in general and the United States in particular are white supremacist, genocidal, and unsustainable. The founding of America occurred not in 1776 but rather in 1619 with the…
My TL is full of LA fires. This was almost inevitable, given the huge fuel buildup over the past two years from all of the excess rain, the complete lack of rain since spring, and then these hurricane-like Santa Anas. It will sadly get worse before it gets better. This may be the…
I was a fan of folk music, but not of the folk musicians’ politics. Seeger regretted his strident Stalinism (to the degree he actually did) far too late.
This is long overdue. As Robert Shipley notes, in theory this might lower standards, but I think that in practice, many of the standards are unnecessary (particularly since the wokification of medical education). I’ve never been impressed by doctors myself qua doctors.