All posts by Rand Simberg

The Fires

[Update a few minutes later]

A lot of us knew this during the mayoral compaign, but apparently not enough, or the Hollywood types found it a(nother) reason to vote for her: Karen Bass is a lifelong communist (and particularly Castro) sympathizer.

[Afternoon update]

I know who caused the fires in Pacific Palisades.

LA is guaranteed to be a disaster with the people who run it continuing to do so.

[Evening update]

The California fires are a horrifying consequence of Democratic misrule.

Ya think?

New Glenn Delay

From Blue Origin: “Sea state conditions are still unfavorable for booster landing. We’re shifting our NG-1 launch date by one day to no earlier than January 13. Our three-hour window remains the same, opening Monday at 1 a.m. EST (0600 UTC).”

So that means that both New Glenn and Starship 7 could occur on the same day.

[Update late Sunday evening in CA]

Launch in 20 minutes.

Maybe. They keep moving the clock. But their window will expire in an hour or so, I think.


How California And LA Got Here

A blistering critique from Mike Shellenberger:

The Fires

This was a perfect storm.