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The Latest From Inside The Late Not-Great McCain CampaignRich Lowry has been talking to Rick Davis: The split over Palin, of course, poisoned everything at the end. One of the dividing lines was between her communications team and the policy advisers. The communications team seemed to consider her a dolt, while the policy people--like Steve Biegun and Randy Scheunemann--were impressed with her and her potential. As one McCain aide told me, "It's the difference between considering her someone who lacks knowledge and someone who is incompetent, and they [the communications aides] treated her as the latter." It was a mistake to bring "Bushies" into the campaign, given the competence level of "Bushies" as a general rule (unfortunately, the president seemed to value loyalty over competence, though there were notable exceptions). Yes, they won a couple previous campaigns, but only barely. Of course, there was something dysfunctional about a McCain campaign that didn't see this happening and do something about it. And then there's this: On putting Palin out in big, hostile network interviews at the beginning: "Our assumption was people would not let us release her on Fox or local TV." What does that first graf mean? What "people" did they think wouldn't let them release her on Fox or local television? And as to the second, all I can say is...WHERE DID THEY FIND THESE IDIOTS?! They thought that hyperliberal hyperNOWist hyperidiot Katie Couric was going to be "soft" on her? In a taped, easily edited interview that could be dribbled out over days? On what planet have they been living? These are people who are supposed to understand media relations? They deserved to lose, and as I've said before, I'm not unhappy that they did. But I'm quite unhappy that Senator Obama didn't. 0 TrackBacksListed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: The Latest From Inside The Late Not-Great McCain Campaign. TrackBack URL for this entry: http://www.transterrestrial.com/admin/mt-tb.cgi/10696 12 CommentsLeave a comment
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This was idiocy by design from the minute she was chosen. She wasn't part of the inside the Beltway crowd and it's costing all of us, not just McCain and Palin.
The Alaska Governor will be back, maybe not in 2012, but she and Bobby Jindal are the future, and the D.C. insiders better get used to the idea.
The only idiocy was leaving in charge of these clowns. She's the only one in our crew, who's on message, about energy, about the idiocy of the bailout, after neo-Czarism and the Islamist threat.
Katie Couric and Charles Gibson's editing her interviews should have gotten them fired.
The false criticism of Palin are taking away the credibility from the real criticism.
We can assume she is intelligent and talented and has been unfairly treated, but still the above post says she lacked a lot of important knowledge.
Is it wise to try to place such a person as a vice president? Some bringing up to speed can, should, and always has to be performed, but couldn't there just be someone else who actually was a lot more prepared for the job?
Is the politics so facade and image driven that actual knowledge and skills don't have any use anymore? Wasn't there anyone better?
All the noise aside, was Palin really a good choice for a vice presidential candidate? Maybe better if she had known it a year or five ahead.
What real criticism has there been of her; not the trig trutherism, proferred by one of her opponents,
Lyda Green. The stupid Africa and NAFTA
insinuations, she negotiated a pipeline deal with Canada. Her husband used to work with BP; which has operation everywhere including Equatorial Africa. Not her welcoming of the AIP which had a governor, the former Nixon peacenik Wally Hickel. The edited version of the Diomede island incident; Alaska was a Russian colony; Wassila comes from Vassily, so does Sitka. Maybe you heard of Seward' Folly, when we bought it from Alexander 11; the proverbial good czar. That's we have a ballistic missile defense post there.
mz wrote:
Is the politics so facade and image driven that actual knowledge and skills don't have any use anymore? Wasn't there anyone better?
Communications skills are a crucial part of politics. Without such skills, the voters don't find out about your other good points, and you are doomed. Palin has excellent communications skills, perhaps better than those of any other current national Republican politician. She is also very good on substance in the areas she's worked in. She's a bit weak on glibness and on the fine points of some policy issues in areas that she hasn't done much work in, but those things can be learned easily and she will probably learn them.
I don't see how mz wrote that with a straight face while Joe "gaffe machine" Biden is the VP-elect.
Frankly I find media criticisms of Palin mindboggling when I think back to 2004 and John Edwards.
On another note John Edwards is attempting to rehabilitate his image now by going on the lecture circuit and talking about poverty.
Which still is pretty silly.
She's week on the glib, unlike most former sports
casters and journalists;(Herr Olbermann?) she makes sure she's correct, before she saids. Whereas Joe's rendesvous with a shuttered restaurant, kicking Hezbollah out of Lebanon (really?) are just another walk in the park.
Is narciso losing his handle on the language?
We can assume she is intelligent and talented and has been unfairly treated, but still the above post says she lacked a lot of important knowledge.
EVERYBODY lacks important knowledge! Biden is the poster child. This is gossip. Why give it any credence?
There's a thing called thought. First you collect information, then you consider it. But not if it's a smear of Sarah.
These cretins have produced false school records to support the claim that Sarah is stupid. The same people that put together Barack's false selective service docs perhaps?
Yes, the Canadian slang folksiness is off putting, but listen to her ideas rather than just her words. She gets most of it right (nobody gets it all right.) That's what's important, not her tailor.
She's not Ronald Reagan (regardless of what Michael might say) but she's a good step in that direction.
Seems Sarah Palin has entered mythical creature territory, it is impossible to know anything about her. So discussion is useless.
You haven't proferred any actual information, most unsourced insinuations, allegations , misimpressions from edited transcripts, which were in turn
exagerated by the likes of Tina Fey (who felt a degree of shame, when she finally met her) When you actually provide facts, then we'll debate the issues. (Haloscan: was the reason my last response was truncated)