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Some Brief Space Policy Advice To The Obama Team

Which in fact I'll probably be offering in the next days and weeks, since I actually know several of them quite well.

If you want to know how to get the VSE back on track, you could do a lot worse than to simply go back and reread the Aldridge Commission Report. Mike Griffin doesn't seem to have done so, or if he did, he largely ignored its recommendations, with the one exception being developing a heavy lifter (which was the one main thing that the commission got wrong).


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Edward Wright wrote:

Mike Griffin doesn't seem to have done so, or if he did, he largely ignored its recommendations, with the one exception being developing a heavy lifter (which was the one main thing that the commission got wrong).

Well, he more or less followed the recommendation that human spaceflight "remain the province of government" for the foreseeable future. (He may have considered private human spaceflight options like COTS-D but he never went farther than that.)

In Mike's defense, the Aldridge Commission did declare heavy lift to be the most important enabling technology. So, he could say that he followed the most important recommendation even though he had to sacrifice others.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on November 17, 2008 7:58 AM.

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