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I'm A Man, Baby

At least according to this site, where this blog scored 84% male. I don't know if it goes by writing style, content, or both.

[Via that 54% nancy boy over at Gateway Pundit]


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ShawnQP wrote:

Вот это пост! Сильно. Спасибо.

Ralphe wrote:

It's a time waster for sure. I write on two sites and checked the homepage of each. Got a 72% and an 83%. Well Kinda manly but I knew I could do better. I checked a few of the pages (the ones most manly) and found an 87%. Ha Ha Ha manly indeed.

Another time waster is I am not sure where I found it, might even have been here. My first sample rated a seventh grade readability level. I could do better than that! I finally wrote a few paragraphs at a 30.72 grade level. I belong in the academy, or locked up.

A sample:Perforce one must conceptualize a world-view parenthetically consistent with perceptual modalities contemporaneously determinable by usage of postmodernistic interpretation and allowing for appropriate deconstruction; agglomeration being insufficient and utterly nondeterministic in cases such as this, though the aforementioned does trend to rote application by those not necessarily skilled in such arcane---nay archaic---technical pursuit.

I gave up aiming for higher as I almost understand that.

john hare wrote:

My sample rated tenth grade for readability. Reading lower, I realized that they were saying that it took a tenth grade educational level to read my sample. Seems like a good average to me, lower won't get the point across, and higher makes it more difficult to read.

The site is totally flawed.

These guys are probably having a big laugh.

Carl Pham wrote:

Yes, well, I plugged in Lincoln's Gettysburg address, and it says you need 10.7 years of education to understand it.

Do I think most of Lincoln's 1863 audience had 10+ years of formal education? Ha ha.

So then I plugged in the Preamble of the Constitution ("We the people..."), and I'm told it needs 22.7 years of education to understand.

Well. No wonder only deep-thinking law professors are qualified to be President.

Carl Pham wrote:

Hmm. If I plug the Constitution into the sex analyzer -- it's not a "gender" analyzer, damn it: nouns have gender, living things have a sex -- then it says the Constitution is 85% written by a man.

Then again, if I plug in the Seneca Falls Declaration (demanding suffrage for women), we get 79% male.

Ralphe wrote:

I plugged in a large section of DC vs Heller and came out at a high seventh grade level. No wonder it made sense to me.

Bryan Lovely wrote:

I put in the complete text from my two-week-old blog and got a 90% male rating, which is funny considering that my wife calls me the gayest straight man she knows. It's probably just my good grooming and impeccable fashion sense.

And a 10.76 grade level rating, which feels about right.

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