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Be Very Afraid

Vice-President-Elect Hairplugs wants to be a hands-on VP:

Biden has said he'd like to use his 36 years of experience in the Senate, including leadership of the Judiciary and Foreign Relations committees, to help push Obama's agenda in Congress. It's longtime insider's experience that Obama lacks and a role that has not been Cheney's focus.

I'm having trouble thinking of a single foreign policy issue in his career on which Joe Biden has been right.

It's also kind of frightening to think of him as responsible for space policy, as veeps have traditionally been. Particularly milspace.


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Reader wrote:

"Vice-President-Elect Hairplugs"? surprisingly childish political discourse- especially given your physical appearance (geeky posture, pencil thin arms, blotchy complexion, bad hair). Should we be addressing or referring to you based on YOUR physical attributes?

Rand Simberg wrote:

It's not about his appearance. It's about his vanity.

memomachine wrote:


Joe Biden world traveling VP:

"And I want to introduce our good ally and friend the King of Jordan! Hey kingy take that do-rag off your head so people can see you ugly mug!"

Oh yeah. Amusements abound.

ken anthony wrote:

At least we won't have to listen to how the evil-VP is running this country. He kind of reminds me of Opie and Andy's barber in Mayberry.

Bill Maron wrote:

If I was going to insult someone, I would attach my name, at least. Otherwise I would be a cowardly POS who has no business insulting anyone. But that's just me.

Daveon wrote:

It's about his vanity.

Right, and Berlusconi, whom you welcomed back as Italian leader isn't vain then?

WTF has vanity got to do with it. You don't like the guy. Fine. Just be honest about it.

Rand Simberg wrote:

Right, and Berlusconi, whom you welcomed back as Italian leader isn't vain then?

I've no idea whether he is or not, and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I was poking fun at Joe Biden's vanity. What does Berlusconi have to do with anything? I'm not allowed to make fun of a character trait of a politician without making an all-inclusive list, in some kind of bizarre Fairness Doctrine of every other politician that shares that trait? This is stupid.

WTF has vanity got to do with it.

WTF has vanity got to do with what? Why can't you learn to express coherent thoughts?

You don't like the guy. Fine. Just be honest about it.

In what way am I being "dishonest"?

Again, a stupid comment.

Daveon wrote:

What does Berlusconi have to do with anything?

He had a series of well publicized plastic surgeries including a hair transplant to keep him looking youthful so the voters would vote for him. If you were half as informed as you think you are, you would have known this.

I'm not allowed to make fun of a character trait of a politician without making an all-inclusive list, in some kind of bizarre Fairness Doctrine of every other politician that shares that trait? This is stupid.

Nope, not stupid, it's just pointing out how poorly informed and hypocritical you actually are.

You think you're making pithy and witty comments and you're not.

Why can't you learn to express coherent thoughts?

Your reading comprehension problems are again noted.

You split two major related clauses out of a paragraph to make a point and then claim that I'm incoherent! Nice going.

Let me explain: you make fun of Biden because you don't like him. Rather than just saying that you make a snipe about his vanity, yet ignoring that other politicians you've praised are equally, if not, in the case of El Silvio, a lot more vain. It has nothing to do with fairness but of your rampant hypocrisy when you think you're being funny.

But don't fret, your peanut gallery will soothe your ego :)

I am really going to enjoy reading your blog for the next 4 years and hopefully 8. I suspect that BDS is going to have nothing on your case of ODS.

Rand Simberg wrote:

He had a series of well publicized plastic surgeries including a hair transplant to keep him looking youthful so the voters would vote for him.

And this has what to do with this post, again?

Nope, not stupid, it's just pointing out how poorly informed and hypocritical you actually are.

OK, not stupid. Just illogical, since you seem irrationally to insist that I blog about what you want me to, rather than what I do.

Let me explain: you make fun of Biden because you don't like him.

Your "explanation" is (as usual) nonsensical. I don't make fun of Biden because I don't like him. He is in fact (as are all clowns) quite likeable. I simply point out that he is a clown, and not vice-presidential (let alone presidential) material.

Bozo wrote:

As far as clowns go Rand, it takes one to know one.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on November 14, 2008 7:32 AM.

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