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I think that Team Obama may end up regretting that they made fun of Sarah Palin's wink.


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jack lee wrote:

Something I've never seen explained to me is why I should be
in favor of Governor Palin as VP.

1) She's a beauty Queen: Okay, that's cool, and even reason
to vote for her at prom, but, I don't care if the VP was
beat with the ugly stick. Spiro Agnew, ugly as a bull.
LBJ, even uglier. Harry Truman, Short and Noisy. Gerry Ford,
klutzy and bald.

2) She hunts : Okay, but not an issue that matters much.

3) She fishes: Okay, but as a percentage of GDP, kind of small,
and i've done a bit of fishing, but, it's been years since i got
the tackle out.

4) She cooks moose stew: Okay, cool, but is that a reason
for my vote?

5) She's anti-abortion, Okay, but, every Republican
national candidate has been anti- Roe v Wade for 30 years.
And the Supreme court keeps upholding it.

6) She wants to drill in ANWR. Okay, maybe, but, is that it.

Is the only reason to vote for her is that she wants to
drill for oil in ANWR?

narciso wrote:

Besides being a reform minded candidate as mayor, petroleum commissioner, governor; who'saccomplished
more than Obama could ever imagine to have done.

Paul Breed wrote:

How about because she has the highest instate approval rating of any Governor in the U.S.

Or Maybe she sent members of her own party to jail for corruption?

Or maybe she believes in Jury Nullification?

Or maybe she believes in giving citizens back their taxes rather than the government spending it?

Rand Simberg wrote:

What are you guys talking about? Didn't you get the memo from the clueless?

She's just a beauty queen.

Karl Hallowell wrote:

I was puzzled by the original Obama ad. Must be too much campaign money and not enough good ideas to spend it on.

Shubber Ali wrote:

or maybe she believes in giving citizens back their taxes rather than the government spending it?

In other words, she is an Obama socialist?


Anonymous wrote:

Paul Breed wrote:

How about because she has the highest instate approval rating of any Governor in the U.S.

Or Maybe she sent members of her own party to jail for corruption?

Or maybe she believes in Jury Nullification?

Or maybe she believes in giving citizens back their taxes rather than the government spending it?

Well actually she doesn't have the highest in state approval
rating, she's behind jane napolitano of Arizona,
but, she's liked up in Alaska, is that a reason for me to
want her as VP?

I looked, I can't see her having sent anyone to jail
for corruption

Jury Nullification? That's a reason to be VP?

Lower Taxes, well jeez 5000 GOP officials believe that.

The thing i'm looking for is the reason why
people should strongly prefer her?

Shes going to be the new head of the GOP, so why her?
Why not Romney, or Huckabee, or Susan Collins, or
Snowe, or Barbara Cubin,,,,,

memomachine wrote:


"In other words, she is an Obama socialist?"

No. If she were an "Obama socialist" she'd be interested in giving -your- money to someone else.

This is otherwise known as "knowing what the hell you're talking about". I highly recommend it as you're less likely to waste everyone else's time.

Andy Freeman wrote:

> Something I've never seen explained to me is why I should be
in favor of Governor Palin as VP.

We're still waiting for someone to post any reasons why anyone should be in favor of Obama for P and/or Biden for VP.

What? It's unfair to hold them to the same standard as Palin?

Carl Pham wrote:

jack, I don't think you get it. If you're a Republican, you're in the wrong party. You need to slide on over to the New Aristocrat a.k.a. Democratic Party, where they believe that we should be governed by Superior, Talented, Beautiful People, who can tell us dumfuk hoi polloi what to do.

For those of us in the other party, it is precisely Governor Palin's ordinariness that is her second biggest asset. She's a living testament to the philosophy, expressed by our party's founding leader (Abe Lincoln) that this is a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.

We don't think you need to be Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius, to understand what the Constitution says, or to make sensible, humane decisions as President. That's the point of view of the New Left, which believes successful governance is rocket science, and requires a PhD in "community organizing" or "diversity studies" or whanot, and the ability to turn a lovely polysyllabic phrase preferably quoting Reinhold Neibuhr or Oliver Wendell Holmes at the drop of a TelePrompTer.

We don't agree. We've seen the results of "the best and the brightest" that got us into Vietnam and the "brain trust" that multiplied the length of the Great Depression by seven, and we're not impressed. We think ordinary decent folks have done a better job, all in all, perhaps because being sophisticated is, sometimes, just a way to brilliantly bullshit yourself (and others) into doing something monumentally stupid.

We feel national leadership calls, more than anything else, for yards and yards of character, plus a good insight into the consequences for ordinary people of decisions made in Washington. So we really like the fact that Governor Palin comes from plain-folks roots, and has coped with and mastered the same problems of daily life we all have -- problems of job, family, business, local community -- instead of spending her entire adult life, like some strange modern-day sprig of the nobility, some kind of strange Hyde Park crown prince, studying for the top job.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on October 31, 2008 12:21 PM.

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