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Not Getting It

No, Michelle, if I vote for Sarah Palin, it won't be "because she's cute."

That's just a bonus.


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Can't Stop Making An Asshat Of Myself wrote:

Yeah Simberg,

It's probably because of this:

And of course the fact that she is a pathological liar.

Mike Puckett wrote:

Anonymous lazy-troll,

How can you tell anyone is a pathological liar based on linking to the website of a proven pathological liar?

Andrew 'Dementia' Sullivan? He jumped the shark like 5 years ago. Get with the program!

Going Down In Demented Flames wrote:



Probably because what Sullivan is saying is corroborated by the editorial pages and editorials of nearly every major US newspaper. Because non-partisan sites such as agrees with Sullivan. Because even right-wing rags such as the Wall Street Journal have exposed her twists on the truth. Because at this stage it is beyond self-evident.


Brock wrote:

No, Anonymous, it's not enough. Evidence that makes Sarah Palin look bad is (q.e.d.) wrong. We're so in the tank for Sarah (because she's hot!) that nothing you can say will change our minds (because she's hot!). You should probably give up and go try to find some other (more reasonable) people to convince. You're wasting your time here. Perhaps Samizdata or Marginal Revolution would be a better use of your time? You should look into that.

Completely Deranged Over Palin wrote:

The problem may be described as priapism.

Starting To Get Psychotic With Frustration wrote:

This is even better. Here's the energy lady and possibly the next president within the next 4-8 years:

You really think she is that hot? Seriously now, she doesn't have a cow in my opinion. What exactly are you guys drinking? Or is this just sheer obstinacy?

Mike Puckett wrote:

"Probably because what Sullivan is saying is corroborated by the editorial pages and editorials of nearly every major US newspaper. Because non-partisan sites such as agrees with Sullivan."

Sure they do....

Brock wrote:

Here's the energy lady and possibly the next president within the next 4-8 years

We can hope!

Curt Thomson wrote:

"Probably because what Sullivan is saying is corroborated by the editorial pages and editorials of nearly every major US newspaper." ROFLMAO. As stated above, probably best if you stick with Samizdata and Vaginal Revolution.

Andy Freeman wrote:

> Because non-partisan sites such as

That would be the Annenberg site.

You may remember the name Annenberg. They're the folks who gave Obama and Ayers $100M to dole out to their Chicago cronies. To avoid paying taxes (which Biden says is unpatriotic), Annenberg claimed to be working on education, but didn't produce any positive results in that area.

Anyone remember Ayers previous claim to fame?

Habitat Hermit wrote:

For what it's worth I think this proves that the "Anonymous of Many Names" is an actual person.

Sure he fails the Turing test (like a lot of humans) but he obviously thinks with his reproductive organs* and that's just completely beyond the realm of any Synthetic/Artificial Intelligence ^_^

* That's why his conclusions seem written in stone to him; it's what goes on in his "head".

Paging Doctor Freud... (who likewise wasn't remotely as correct about the world as he was about himself).

Carl Pham wrote:

Probably because what Sullivan is saying is corroborated by the editorial pages and editorials of nearly every major US newspaper.

This is pretty much like saying:

How can you disbelief the Fuehrer when he says we're winning on the Eastern Front? Didn't Herr Goebbels and Reichminister Goering, and heck, even the local Gauleiter all back him up? They all say the same thing! It must be true!

Or maybe it's like one member of the Jim Jones cult saying:

How can you disbelieve what The Master says? Everyone else here in Jonestown agrees!

Or like one parishioner in the Middle Ages saying to another:

How can you doubt the Pope? All the cardinals agree with him! Also our local priest. What's wrong with you?

The more I watch the left and its cult-like groupthink, the more I think Ann Coulter is on to something when she says their abandonment of formal religion just mean they have picked up a variety of cult-like quasi-religions. The lack of skeptical thinking is impressive. This is not an original thought, of course: George Orwell said it all in 1984.

Josh Reiter wrote:

Habitat Hermit wrote:

"For what it's worth I think this proves that the "Anonymous of Many Names" is an actual person.

Sure he fails the Turing test (like a lot of humans) but he obviously thinks with his reproductive organs* and that's just completely beyond the realm of any Synthetic/Artificial Intelligence ^_^"

That is because this anonymous person is basically sitting in a 'Chinese room'. They don't take the time to actually assimilate or understand the meaning of our statements. They just merely compare words that appear in a body of text and match them to pre-generated responses. Doesn't matter if the response is actually appropriate or understandable in anyway. It is not that a computer couldn't do this through scripted events. It is just that most admins and servers do not allow permissions to this sort of scanning and spamming activity. So, an actual person is enlisted to perform these activities. Look for hot button words, grab a link to a URL they are trying to pimp and paste it into a comment thread. It could very well be one of Obama's Palestinian cohorts for all we know. We do know that many Arabs like to sit around in cafe's and spread this garbage on Obama's behalf.

ZZMike wrote:

Starting To Get Psychotic links to

"I'm not sure I fully grasp that,"

That's certainly understandable. There are a lot of big words in there.

Try a dictionary.

"Because non-partisan sites such as agrees with Sullivan."

OK, we're listening. Post a link. Be aware that links to and its like will be cheerfully ignored.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on September 18, 2008 3:31 PM.

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