...that the LA Times can't get any worse. Or funnier.
I have to say that I particularly enjoyed the comment by "Dick Stroker." I'm sure he's just a naif.
Speaking of LA, I'm flying out there tomorrow for almost two weeks. Blogging may be lightened somewhat--I'm supposed to be working. Or so the folks who are paying me tell me.
[Monday afternoon update]
Arrived safely, with luggage, even with a change in Dallas.
Unfortunately, just as I leave, it looks like Patricia is home alone to shutter up for Gustav next weekend.
Congrats on the work. If you need more work, just create a pen name like "Randy Cocman" and maybe the LA Times will pick you up.
Was there a joke in there? I didn't get it.
It's not funny.
This totally disrupted a telecon I'm supposed to be on. Glad I have a mute button!
Too lame, too obvious....
You guys. What a bunch of maroons.