As I noted on another blog, it isn't just the lack of flying cars and tickets to the Moon, when do we get the big, tubless television sets, a computer of your own and...oh, wait.
That part of 'the future' *did* come to pass, didn't it?
Besides, I don't trust most people to drive safely in *two* dimensions. I suspect flying cars would end up more like the aerial rat's nest of 'The Fifth Element,' than the orderly skyways of 'The Jetsons' or 'Back to the Future II.'
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About this Entry
This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on August 27, 2008 9:49 AM.
As I noted on another blog, it isn't just the lack of flying cars and tickets to the Moon, when do we get the big, tubless television sets, a computer of your own and...oh, wait.
That part of 'the future' *did* come to pass, didn't it?
Besides, I don't trust most people to drive safely in *two* dimensions. I suspect flying cars would end up more like the aerial rat's nest of 'The Fifth Element,' than the orderly skyways of 'The Jetsons' or 'Back to the Future II.'