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An Interesting Contrast

I won't claim to know Juliette Ochieng, but I had a wonderful dinner with her (and several others, but I sat next to) a couple years ago in LA's Chinatown, and I've read many of her blog posts and opinion pieces. I'm neither religious, or conservative, and I'm sure that there are many issues on which we'd disagree, but if I had a choice between her and Barack Obama for president, I'd vote for her in a Chicago minute. And not just because I had dinner with her.

The black-on-black bigotry displayed in the link against a true African-American woman who criticizes the messiah is disappointing, but by no means surprising.


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Jonathan wrote:

I don't know her but it's obvious from reading her blog that she is a mensch.

Roy Lofquist wrote:

Dear Mr. Simberg,

You are neither conservative nor religious? Careful pard. You never know when seditious ideas are creeping in.


Rand Simberg wrote:

You are neither conservative nor religious? Careful pard. You never know when seditious ideas are creeping in.

I'm not sure what your point is, but yes, I am neither conservative or religious.

Roy Lofquist wrote:

Dear Mr. Simberg,

You may profess no ideological or religious preference but as someone who has been reading you for a number of years I sense a Burkean kind of conservatism and certainly no distaste for religion. Guess I should have said that first.


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