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In His Own Words

That's not the Barack Obama that I knew:

In one excerpt from the audio book that Hewitt played on his show in March, Obama alters his voice to mimic Wright's and repeats passages from a sermon decrying a society "where white folks' greed runs a world in need." Later Obama says of Wright's preaching, "I found the tears running down my cheeks."

If the Dems don't think that this will be powerful stuff this fall, they're deluding themselves.

Of course, it wouldn't be the first time. They actually thought that Senator Kerry's war record was a feature, rather than a bug.


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Rigidly Fixed Idiot wrote:

Simberg, read this:

Not that it will probably change a mind that has been so rigidly fixed in idiocy.

Carl Pham wrote:

RFI, are you for real? You point to a literary desconstruction of Barack Obama's distinctive writing style by a humanities professor, which says such astoundingly naive things such as Yet, by listening closely to his language, I think we can learn something about who he really is -- apparently this nebbish has fully mistaken style for substance -- and think this strengthens your guy's case?

Boy if this isn't mistaking Hollywood fantasy -- in which you can always tell the Good Guys because they wear white hats, are handsomer, and have more upbeat personal theme music -- for reality, I don't know what is. You really need to get out in the real world a little bit more, where, I am sad to inform you, the entire history of the 20th century proved that being a compelling orator is no equivalent at all to being a leader of men, or even to having your head screwed on straight. Obama may be the Antichrist or the best President since Lincoln, but I submit his literary writing style is of no worth whatsoever in deciding the point.

They guy concludes admiringly that Obama is rather like Henry James. Anyone think we should elect a dreamy navel-contemplating writer of drawing-room farce to lead the free world? Why not just elect George Clooney, because he's a handsome devil? Or have an American Idol pageant, with swimsuit and "community service" segments? Yeedge.

DaveP. wrote:

Who the devil would want Henry James making impotant decisions about his future?!

Rand Simberg wrote:

Why not just elect George Clooney, because he's a handsome devil? Or have an American Idol pageant, with swimsuit and "community service" segments?

Don't give them any ideas, Carl.

By the way, if someone seems to have an ironic screen name, or one they wouldn't have chosen for themselves, it's most likely because I decided to give it to them, the original (usually idiotic) comment having been anonymous.

Wince and Nod wrote:

By the way, if someone seems to have an ironic screen name, or one they wouldn't have chosen for themselves, it's most likely because I decided to give it to them, the original (usually idiotic) comment having been anonymous.

Cool! So far I haven't written anything Rand thinks is idiotic.

When I do, may I suggest the screen name "Wince, Because He's Too Dumb To Avoid Running Into Walls".


Rand Simberg wrote:

Cool! So far I haven't written anything Rand thinks is idiotic.

You're not anonymous. You're pseudonymous.

I don't generally change screen names. I simply helpfully supply them when the poster is too stupid to have done so themselves. The only exception is when it is a "cute" (i.e., stupid) screen name to attempt, pathetically, to make a point (e.g., as Elifritz almost always does).

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