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Moral Courage

Does Obama lack it? I could never find anyone who could explain to me why his "race speech" was so courageous, though it was acclaimed as such in the media.

As one commenter notes, he's no Ward Connerly.


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Bob wrote:

Do people often debate politics with you at Space Access conventions? Do people who don't share your political beliefs at Space Access conventions seem more worth your time than the usual crowd? You mix (or, at least, you switch back and forth between) politics and space on this blog - I'm curious whether anything interesting happens if and when they mix in real life.

Rand Simberg wrote:

Do people often debate politics with you at Space Access conventions?

Sometimes, not often.

Do people who don't share your political beliefs at Space Access conventions seem more worth your time than the usual crowd?

No, but they don't seem less so, either.

Most of this particular crowd (or at least a strong plurality) tend to be hard-core libertarians (with whom I agree on many issues other than the war). There are some Democrats, but they're probably a distinct minority.

Anonymous wrote:

Do you have the courage to actually pick up and read Obama's books and speeches?

That is, instead of the endless moronic quotes you link from your hellish spiritual mentors at the Corner?

Rand Simberg wrote:

Do you have the courage to actually pick up and read Obama's books and speeches?

I find it amusing to have my "courage" challenged by a troll who doesn't even have a courage to do so under a name.

Bob wrote:

Anonymous, I think Rand should get a pass this week. He is doing many of us a service by blogging Space Access 08. Thanks Rand! Also, Rand has mentioned having trouble getting enough sleep lately. Obama's books and speeches are so interesting and inspiring, he would never get to sleep.

Anonymous wrote:

I think the reason he can't sleep is his shock at the fact that Obama, contrary to the expectations of another one of Rand's mentors - the stately scholar, Sean Hannity, has not only shrugged off the Wright controversy but is also now whipping Hillary's sorry behind in the polls. He is truly a Teflon President in the making.

Sleep comes to those with a clear conscience. Reading Obama's books with an open mind (another tough concept for Rand) might lull his sorry brain into restful slumber.

Or give the man a double dose of Ambien and Lunesta in addition to his usual head meds.

Leland wrote:

It would be great if anonymous had to courage to actually read Rand's blog, instead of just responding to keywords, particularly "Obama".

Anonymous wrote:

Rand's mentors - the stately scholar, Sean Hannity

Only a moron would think that Sean Hannity is one of my "mentors." I think that Sean Hannity is an idiot. If you were actually a reader of my blog, you'd know that.

Or maybe not. You seem to be even stupider than Sean Hannity. And at least Hannity is proud to use his name when he says dumb things, instead of hiding like a cowardly little cretin.

And I'm not taking any medications at all, not that it's any business of anonymous moron trolls.

Mike Puckett wrote:

"He is truly a Teflon President in the making."

They use C8 to coat with teflon. It is a toxic compound that contaminates ground water. Perhaps anonymous is suffering the neurological effects of the consumption of too much C8.

Ahh, the audacity of hype.

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