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Back In LA

I took a little longer to drive back from Phoenix because I did two things that I've never done, in all the times I've made that trip over the past thirty years. I stopped at the Colorado River in Blythe and walked across, and I stopped and did a quick tour of the Patton Museum at Chiriaco Summit. I'd show the pictures, but I don't seem to have my card reader with me. I might pick one up at Fry's tomorrow.

The latter was more impressive than I expected, considering that it's private, not official. More so on the interior than outside, though. They have a number of tanks out there, in various states of decrepitude and disrepair, and no signs to provide any useful information about them. Still worth a visit, though, for anyone interested in military history.


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Larry Brown wrote:

The Patton Museum at Fort Knox, KY is well worth a side trip if you are interested in armor history. Outside there are...mmm...not sure how many, but if memory serves more than 30 USA armored vehicles from the WW2 era to the current era. Inside the history of armor is covered, including a cut away of a German King Tiger tank used for training during WW2. There is also an Iragi tank captured during Desert Storm. At the end of the exhibit is a large section on old Blood and Guts hiself...

Dennis Ray Wingo wrote:

I have always wanted to stop at the Patton museum there.

Sigivald wrote:

I, likewise, was disappointed by the tanks at Chiriaco Summit.

(Also, one of the bits of militaria under glass was mislabeled; you'd think the Triple Crown on a mess kit would make it clear that it was Swedish rather than whatever nationality it was marked as...

But that's a trivial nitpick.)

redneck wrote:

Sigivald wrote:
I, likewise, was disappointed by the tanks at Chiriaco Summit.

(Also, one of the bits of militaria under glass was mislabeled; you'd think the Triple Crown on a mess kit would make it clear that it was Swedish rather than whatever nationality it was marked as...

>>>>But that's a trivial nitpick.)

Mistaken identity is not trivial at all
in combat. Which is presumably the end use
of military gear.

Paul Breed wrote:

For a space geek, one must visit

Next time you are in AZ.
I visited about 3 or 4 years ago I thought it was really cool, my wife was creeped out by it's very existance.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on March 30, 2008 6:02 PM.

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