A post that I just put up today is now in the top ten (number eight, right now) of a Google search for "Mike Griffin NASA." And I didn't even get an Instalink on it.
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Habitat Hermit wrote:
Hmm I think you hit Google's sweet spot and thus confirmed the emergence of synthetic intelligence or at least the emergence of the ability to detect concentrated intelligence within Google's algorithms: Google read your post and thoroughly approved! ^_^
This is after all essentially what Google does (reading and rating) and the more advanced it gets the more people are going to feel surprised.
By the time Google actually reaches full-blown intelligence I wouldn't be surprised if most people will have already thought of it as such for several years. Maybe we'll even see early fads of "Googlesations"; monologues attempting to communicate with and elicit a response from Google.
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About this Entry
This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on February 8, 2008 2:56 PM.
Hmm I think you hit Google's sweet spot and thus confirmed the emergence of synthetic intelligence or at least the emergence of the ability to detect concentrated intelligence within Google's algorithms: Google read your post and thoroughly approved! ^_^
This is after all essentially what Google does (reading and rating) and the more advanced it gets the more people are going to feel surprised.
By the time Google actually reaches full-blown intelligence I wouldn't be surprised if most people will have already thought of it as such for several years. Maybe we'll even see early fads of "Googlesations"; monologues attempting to communicate with and elicit a response from Google.