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mz wrote:
Ah. It's in the "Hitler too was a vegetarian" category.
There can't be a society without resource expense towards its upkeep, hence something is taken away from the participants. And they get something in return. A justice system, the police or military protection for example.
Pretending otherwise is just naive.
Basically, only anarchism is fundamentally without the "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." idea.
True NZ -- but sometimes a difference "only in degree" is a difference in kind.
Ilya wrote:
sometimes a difference "only in degree" is a difference in kind.
Ironically, this is more or less a quote from Stalin: "Quantity has quality of its own."
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About this Entry
This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on February 8, 2008 1:21 PM.
Ah. It's in the "Hitler too was a vegetarian" category.
There can't be a society without resource expense towards its upkeep, hence something is taken away from the participants. And they get something in return. A justice system, the police or military protection for example.
Pretending otherwise is just naive.
Basically, only anarchism is fundamentally without the "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." idea.
True NZ -- but sometimes a difference "only in degree" is a difference in kind.
sometimes a difference "only in degree" is a difference in kind.
Ironically, this is more or less a quote from Stalin: "Quantity has quality of its own."