You know, I think that someone wrote a book
about this sort of thing:
Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.
They can have my cynicism and uninvolvedness when they pry it from my cold dead soul that needs healing.
[Update a few minutes later]
Further thoughts from Mr. Steyn:
I wouldn't mind if it was a high-minded call to a self-reliant citizenry, but you get the feeling all it boils down to is a demand that we take our place and twirl our batons in the 300-million cheerleading squad for Barack! The Barack Obama Show starring Barack Obama. The "shed your cynicism" bit sounds like a scene from one of those dystopian movies where you get slid into the Cynishedder as a bitterly sardonic old crank in a pork-pie hat and after 30 seconds bathed in the rays of the Obamatron you emerge in a turquoise 1970s catsuit with a glassy-eyed stare.
There is no way to address this without sounding like a racist, but here goes.
Barack Obama will require you to work.
Does this include the millions on welfare who vote primarily for Democrats? Or do those that work, just need to work harder?
That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones.
Does this include the millions of bleeding heart liberals, who see anyone who isn't a liberal, as thugs, racists or a religious fanatics?
That you push yourselves to be better.
See my first question here again.
And that you engage.
I hope he means in a meaningful way. Not like now, where it's all one sided and accusatory.
Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.
Again, see my first question.
It's scary talk, but it's coming from the candidate's wife, who doesn't have a lot of say in what goes on. I suppose she's saying what someone wants to hear, but I don't see how that's going to get turned into government action. Sounds like more empty rhetoric to me.
Obama ought to dump Michelle for a younger woman. A good president knows when to bring in new talent.
So Barack Obama will require and demand this and that platitude. I'd like to see his proposed implementation, preferably before November. Might be worth a laugh.
Mrs. Obama seems to have read LIBERAL FASCISM and mistaken it as a how-to book.
I, too, was skeptical of the Cynishedder! I never believed it could work!
But now I have gone through it. Now I stand for hope! And future! And change! And making a difference!
Join me and go through the Cynishedder!
(Now, if only I can find that machine that they went through that put a star on thars...)
> It's scary talk, but it's coming from the candidate's wife, who doesn't have a lot of say in what goes on.
Huh? She's following Senator Clinton's model. She clearly believes that she's going to help run the country and will then insist that said experience qualifies her to run the country.
Obama is the 2008 version of Clinton 92.
"Arbeit Macht Frei?"
Instead I'm reminded of "Your life, as it has been, is now over..."