Don't mess with Knesset...
...we have had the Yom Kippur War, the Attrition War, the Lebanon War, two intifadas and endless terror. Israel has not only survived, but has become stronger. It is a vibrant and prospering democracy, with robust economic growth over the last five years, the highest number of books published per capita in the world, and second place in the world in the publication of articles in scientific journals.
The Arabs, in the meantime, with all their aggression, have only brought on their peoples misery and poverty. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and King Hussein of Jordan tower above this self-destructiveness as leaders who really served the best interests of their people by making peace with Israel.
Of course, that's just a necessary, not a sufficient condition, as we've seen by the dismal state of affairs in both countries, but particularly Egypt.
[Credit for slogan and flag to "Dutchgirl" (who's really a Dane--no shock there)--scroll down to the sixth post]
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