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CRT Pitch

I’ve been getting a large number of story pitches over the past few months. I ignore almost all of them, because they are topics of no interest to me, but I got this one today:


Recent Republican-led efforts to politicize college appointments and restrict curricula are part of a broader effort aimed at college-aged voters who lean Democratic, said award-winning journalist Kyle Spencer, who is a longtime New York Times contributing writer and author of the new book “Raising Them Right: The Untold Story of America’s Ultraconservative Youth Movement and its Plot for Power.” She weighs in on the latest below on the College Board’s revision of the A.P. curriculum for African American studies:

—American ultraconservatives have been in an out-and-out war on history and truth inside American classrooms for decades. Ron DeSantis is on the front lines of that war and the College Board’s capitulation to his anti-truth demands should be alarming to all Americans. A non-partisan organization that plays a crucial role in what our children learn inside their high school classrooms has just allowed the American right to censor truth. An African American history class with no required mention of the debate over reparations and the Black Lives Matters movement is not only negligent, it is a lie of omission. The College Board should be ashamed. This is a stain on its reputation and American educators ought to be wary of all its course curricula.—

Her new book has been featured on ABC News and on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and “The 11th Hour,” as well as in The Boston Globe, Politico, Rolling Stone, The Nation and MarketWatch, among other publications. A Kirkus review called it “eye-opening,” and the Library Journal said it was â€śa powerful investigative work.”

Please let me know if you would be interested in talking with Kyle more about this. She is available anytime. 

I almost never respond to things like this, but I replied: “She sounds like a leftist loon.” Maybe she’ll remove me from her email list.

#GoogleLeaks Tells #TwitterFiles To Hold Its Beer

There need to be congressional investigations into this. These people are at war with half country, and they have far too much power.

I don’t know if it’s related, but recently Google has started randomly blocking my emails to Gmail users as spam. It’s very annoying.

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ChatGPT Plus has Google in its sites.


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This seems to be the problem with my email. It did start in November, I think.

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