Category Archives: Technology and Society

Rehabilitating Dan Rather

Really, Robert Redford? Really?

Here‘s what I had to say about the idiot Mary Mapes at the time:

…some of them (unlike you, apparently) were smart enough to call the fax number on the memo, and determine that it came from a Kinko’s in Texas. And though there was in fact analysis of what the documents actually said, which also helped torpedo them, it was in fact enough, Mary. It’s hard (perhaps impossible) to prove that a document is authentic, but it only takes one solid strike against its validity to show it to be inauthentic. And the fact that you still don’t understand that, or understand basic logic at all, is why you are now out of a job, and should never have had that job to begin with.

This isn’t merely “stuck on stupid.” This is turned all the way up to eleven on stupid.

It’s amazing that there are still fools who want to defend these people.