Endless Conspiracies

Now we know how they do it. I knew they weren’t smart enough to come up with these on their own.

My first attempt:

George W. Bush invaded Iraq so that oil companies and the Christian Coalition could kill Al Franken.

Try it, it’s fun for the whole family! Well, at least if you’re a member of the Kennedy or Moore family.

I’m not sure that it’s possible to generate one that at least a few moonbats over at DU wouldn’t buy.

Not My Day

We had an intermittent power failure last night.

I woke up this morning and wandered into the kitchen, and saw that, in place of the time, the LED on the microwave was displaying a “PF.” Most of the clocks have battery backups, but the one in our antique (sixties era) electric stove was about an hour behind.

Computers had to be restarted, natch.

After doing so, I was using my desktop (my primary work machine) for about a half an hour (the one in which I’d recently replaced the motherboard), when it decided to reboot itself, seemingly spontaneously.

Then, after the reboot, right after login, and the desktop coming up, it did so again.

After repeating this two or three times, it bluescreened. This was similar to the symptoms before I replaced the mobo the last time. Except that this time, after finishing writing whatever cryptic diagnostics it was sending to that future, in which the technology might exist to revive it, it didn’t reboot–it just shut down.

And wouldn’t restart. Poking the power button was availless.

So, now I’ve got to figure out what’s wrong with the thing now. I may have a power supply problem, but I may also just need to upgrade to a better board.

Anyway, I’ll be working on the laptop for the nonce.

[Late afternoon update]


I was hoping that it was the power supply, but I just tried another one, with the same result. The power switch is fine, based on a test with an ohm-meter, and shorting the terminals on the motherboard doesn’t give any action, either.

I still need to verify that the supply I swapped is good, but it looks like there’s a problem with the mobo. I just bought it about a month ago, and it’s probably on warranty, but I only paid thirty-some bucks for it, so it may be best to simply upgrade and get a more modern one.

Oh, as for the suggestion in comments to unplug everything from the board except the video card? That’s already my configuration. Everything else (sound, ethernet, etc.) is built into the board.

To Boldly Go

Captain Kirk is finally going into space for real. Along with 7000 other people. If those numbers are right, then that’s about one and a half billion dollars in pledges. Not bad for a planned investment of a couple hundred million on Branson’s part.

So much for the giggle factor about space tourism.

Here’s one Enterprise captain who probably won’t be going, though. And he spouts the usual idiocy:

In an interview with BBC World Service radio, Stewart said he backed unmanned missions such as Nasa’s Mars rover Opportunity and the UK’s Beagle 2 mission.

But he said he did not believe the human race was ready to begin thinking about beaming down on other planets.

“As I get older my unease at the time and the money that has to be spent on projects putting human beings back to the moon, and on to another planet, is so enormous,” he said.

“And it would take up so many resources, which I personally feel should be directed at our own planet.”

Interviewed by the World Update programme, he added: “Humankind has just not simply become sufficiently evolved to now leave this planet, take itself out to space and began establishing more of us out there.

“I would like to see us get this place right first before we have the arrogance to put significantly flawed civilisations out on to other planets – even though they may be utterly uninhabited.”

I wonder when he’ll think that we’re sufficiently evolved? Perhaps after we’ve become socialists, as apparently the federation had become by the time of The Next Generation.

No Squirrel To Save Him

A moose died after being hung fifty feet above the ground on a power line.

The workers believe the moose may have come across the sagging and swaying wires and decided to challenge the power line to a fight, as bull moose are known to do during the rut, or mating season.

“My guess is he was in full rut and probably seen that line moving out there,” and decided to fight, said Marvin Pickens, line construction manager for City Electric in Anchorage.


Has a response to the Guardian, thanking them for their election advice:

Anyhoo, thanks alot for the election advice and stuff. Boy, you made some really good points (even tho I didn’t understand all the confusing England-style words) but Reverend Falwell said on the Fox TV that G-d will punish us with commies and terrorist and negros and AIDS, etc., if we don’t elect President Bush.

He also has a scoop on the latest injustice in New York.

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