The IRS Intimidation

No, it wasn’t a few “rogue agents,” and anyone who believed that was a fool:

The claim that “rogue agents” came up with the Be On the Lookout (BOLO) list never made any sense. The claim that “rogue agents” came up with the many detailed questions that conservative groups were subjected to never made any sense. The claim that “rogue agents” would come up with so much extra work for themselves, outside their normal responsibilities and outside their union contract, never made any sense. Getting unionized workers to do extra work requires the union’s buy-in. Getting bureaucrats to do extra work requires orders from their superiors. That’s how government works.

The IRS itself has blown Lerner’s story apart, saying that as many 88 employees are being looked at. The agency is still evidently trying to contain the scandal to its lower ranks, but the deposed IRS agents say they were following orders from those above them.

Of course they were. The only question is from how far above. And when one considers what happened to True The Vote, Gibson Guitar, et al, it’s clearly above the IRS. It’s either the White House, the campaign, or both since there probably wasn’t much in the way of a wall between them, despite the pretence of running the latter out of Chicago).

As someone once said, there is a cancer on the presidency, and it’s going to continue to metastasise.

George Nield

#NSRC2013 Makes an interesting point that spaceports should be more proactive in expanding industry. Don’t just maintain facilities and wait for customers to show up. Take cue from flight schools and start similar programs for spaceflight. Also, will think that Mojave is a thriving spaceport when there is more spacecraft hardware than windmill parts in the hangar.

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