4 thoughts on “Congrats To Firefly”

  1. I happened to wake up on time to watch the landing coverage. Firefly did a good job with the coverage and the landing was a great achievement.

    I’ve heard the weather forecast for Monday at Boca Chica are marginal with fairly strong winds. The forecast is better later in the week.

    1. It’s still pretty early in the Starship flight test program. They know the designed wind limits of SuperHeavy and Starship, just like aircraft designers know the crosswind limits of new planes. However, early flights are usually flown in relatively calm conditions* and they work towards the wind limits gradually. I’m hoping they fly today, but I understand if they decide to wait for better conditions. A crash into the launch tower while trying for capture could delay the next launch for weeks or months.

      *An exception were the Wright Brothers first powered flights at Kitty Hawk in 20+ MPH winds. Even they later realized that was crazy.

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