7 thoughts on “LLMs In The Classroom”

  1. One answer is handwritten tests and assignments in the classroom. In the early 80’s, in Nuc school, all the assignments and test were done in class with pen/pencil, paper, and a TI-35 calculator. Nothing ever left the building. The flip side of this is mentioned in the article – professors using AI to grade their tests rather than grading by hand. One can make the case that even in the classroom, students could use AI with their phones and transcribe the results. Transcription takes time though. The trick would be to make assignments content appropriate and with enough depth that they can just be completed within the allotted time.

    1. Or line the classroom with conductive mesh tied to an Earth ground. Or just collect all smart devices and the beginning of class and return them at the end.

  2. Teachers should expect more from their students. Don’t give them busy work. Give them challenging and interesting assignments.

    Also, explain to the students that doing school work is the same as training a personal ai agent.

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