7 thoughts on “Trust In Our Institutions”

  1. The Constitution was written to deliberately hinder government by men who had lived under meddlesome rule. They didn’t trust government institutions, and neither should we.

  2. Oh come on, it’s fine to trust our institutions. Just look up the definition of the word “trust”.

    “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”

    I absolutely, 100%, fit that definition when it comes to our institutions. I believe they are absolutely reliable (to mess up, or worse). Truth? Absolutely, provided one takes them as a negative indicator of it, as I do. Ability? Yes, because the ability to be corrupt, inefficient, and incompetent is an ability.

    Seriously though, blindly trusting has a rather long historical record (going back even before the original Trojan Horse), and never ends well.

    1. Trust is earned, and it can take years to achieve. Distrust is also earned, and that can happen very quickly. Once trust is lost, it’s very difficult to regain.

  3. I regard government and its institutions as criminal gangs which sometimes co-operate and sometimes oppose each other. See FAA.

  4. Amongst my flair, I have a pin which states “Trust No One”. It’s a good foundation to work from in life. One of my favorite lines from Firefly is “Aargh, curse your sudden, but inevitable, betrayal” delivered by Alan Tudyk’s Wash whilst playing with dinosaurs.
    The best I ever hope for is Reagan’s “Trust, but verify”.

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