4 thoughts on “How Democrats Vote”

  1. Yup, had a Black coworker at my last job who was just like Grandma. Loved Zero, but didn’t agree with any of his policies. Vote Blue no matter who–and no matter how they ignore your issues and concerns.

    1. “Blue no matter who–and no matter how they ignore your issues and concerns.”

      Too many people simply vote against someone (i.e. They hate Donald Trump) and aren’t really paying that much attention to the platform of the person they’re voting for or for that matter against. It’s just a simple loyalty to the idea of yes the “D” in front of their name that’s about as deep as it goes.

  2. Identity politics are powerful.

    Transing the kids is a huge turnoff to many Democrats but they will keep voting Democrat because after decades of dehumanizing attacks against the other, they could never identify as one.

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