14 thoughts on “More On Israel And Space”

  1. We’ll soon know if Israel is still around to matter. Bibi and his team have really siezed defeat from the jaws of victory.

      1. I posit that after the possibly staged Hamas attack, they had world and Middle East sentiment with them. They could have reached out to MBS and the Abraham Accord Arabs for help dealing with Hamas. Instead of leveraging a favorable situation, they went and blew up mass civilians and allowed the Hamas propaganda masters to turn the tables. Now it appears that they are about to go to war against Hezbollah and Iran who will destroy Israel economically if not physically.

        There aren’t enough American weapons left after Ukraine and certaily not enough Israelis to last this kind of war.

        1. You just can’t help but push Russian narratives, can you?

          They could have reached out to MBS and the Abraham Accord Arabs for help dealing with Hamas.

          I find it interesting how people who push the alleged diplomatic solutions that Israel supposedly should pursue can’t explain how Israel is supposed to protect itself in the meantime.

          Now it appears that they are about to go to war against Hezbollah and Iran who will destroy Israel economically if not physically.

          How would Iran destroy Israel either economically or physically? What weapons will Iran be using for that?

          1. The Gaza border was supposed to be one of the most surveilled and guarded border in the world. How did a few dozen guys in flying go carts cross and wreck havoc if someone in the Israeli deep state didn’t want it to happen. I support the Israeli people, I have family living there, but I’m not so naive to believe that their government is any less corrupt than our own deep state.

          2. a few dozen guys in flying go carts cross and wreck havoc if someone in the Israeli deep state didn’t want it to happen

            The October 7 attack was estimated to be about 3000 guys strength. And I’m not surprised that the high security wall failed – there’s a long military history of such defenses not working very well because the enemy figured out the weaknesses of the defense and attacks those rather than the strengths.

            I support the Israeli people, I have family living there, but I’m not so naive to believe that their government is any less corrupt than our own deep state.

            Sure you do. And which state again is your state?

        2. The global left were organizing protests against Israel the day after the attack. Israel’s response wasn’t the cause of the PR campaign being used against them. Hamas always intended for their civilians to get killed, even going so far as to kill them themselves in order to claim Israel was “sniping” civilians.

        3. “Possibly staged Hamas attack,” eh? Perhaps you would be good enough to favor us with your views about the Moon landings back in the day or the shape of the Earth?

      1. Perhaps Israel should have mobilized the awesome power of candlelight vigils like the Europeans do following a terrorist attack. All fear the candlelight vigils!

  2. This sounds pretty close to what Rand says:

    “And I don’t think Simberg is taking anything away from the achievement of Apollo 11 at all when he says this. But it established a powerful precednent for how the space program should proceed in the future that ended up hurting us. I think that’s really his point.

    In particular, it’s hurting the way in which government thinks about its role in space, which was: if we’re not going to land human beings on the moon anymore, then we’re going to shut down space programs,”

    “It’s a whole new world that’s opened up thanks to commercial space, and yet our government continues to exist almost in a parallel universe from that. That’s really what Simberg is suggesting, isn’t he?”

    1. We had an excellent precedent prior to NASA.
      We should have kept that and extended it to Space.
      But IGY and the mil-complex, then Kennedy put us on the road to do the hard things first the hard way. So we never learned how to do the easy, sustainable things.

      1. I wasn’t around back then, so I will take your word for it.

        I’m not sure how many of the alternate histories or what could have beens people talk about were actually possible. SpaceX is where they are now due in part to advances in other industries. But in any case, it is more important what happens going forward.

        As conditions change, so should the role of government. Things are going to change a lot so maybe the pre NASA approach should get another shot. Maybe that is already happening to some extent.

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