5 thoughts on “How To Beat Kamala”

  1. I visited Vietnam back in 2011. We had a guide who showed us around. At one point, he said something that really stuck with me. This is as near to an exact quote as I can provide:

    “Following Reunification in 1975, Vietnam was a socialist country. Do you know what socialism is? It’s where if I work hard and you don’t, we both get the same thing. So no one worked hard. A few years ago, the government changed the rules. Now, if you work hard, you can prosper. Things are much better now.”

    The idea of equity falls flat on its face if examined closely. While we may be born with equal rights under the Constitution (in theory, if not always in practice), we are not born with equal talents or abilities. Take a group of 1000 people selected at random and give them the exact same training. In the end, some will be better than the others just because of their talents. They may work harder to master the task, they may have better physical or mental abilities, whatever, but you won’t end up with 1000 equally skilled people in the end. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about physical talents like running a race or musical abilities like playing an instrument or singing, or intellectual talents like being an engineer, scientist, or medical doctor. The only way to achieve true equity is, as Whittle stated, to hobble everyone to the level of the lowest common denominator.

  2. Haven’t watched any of his videos in a long time. Does anyone know how his show project is going?

  3. Listening to his tape…don’t think (unfortunately) it will work to “Beat Kamala”. As he himself says people don’t so much as vote for someone as vote against someone. Trump in this case; such individuals aren’t really paying any mine to her “platform”, “views on issues” etc. or much of anything else. They only care about “stopping”, “getting” Donald Trump. However if Kamala still manages to lose it will likely be an example of her beating herself somehow; think of a series of unforced errors. Which frankly is by no means impossible given her abject incompetence. Sooner or later she will start talking (allot)…they will only be able to keep her sequestered for so long before her ego (enabled by likely sycophants buzzing about her) will drive her to come out and play.

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