Tim Walz’s Stolen Valor

No, he’s no hero.

[Sunday-morning update]

His chaplain says that his action was “cowardly.”

[Afternoon update]

Walz dodged the Sunday shows as though it was a deployment, while Vance was all over them. If Walz survives the convention, the debates will be devastating to him.

[Monday-morning update]

Reminder: Tim Walz was a covid tyrant.


[Update a while later]

The elite capture of Tim Walz. Now that Biden is losing his usefulness, the CCP has to replace him with someone.

[Tuesday-morning update]


[Update a few minutes later]

Walz’s latest lie about his relationship with a Hitler-worshiping Muslim cleric.

14 thoughts on “Tim Walz’s Stolen Valor”

  1. The problem is that the folks who wouldn’t vote for him because he exaggerated (lied) about his military career/history likely wouldn’t have voted for him anyway. Conversely the kind that will vote for him anyway likely don’t care either way about said military service; they are simply voting against Trump. They would vote for a crash test dummy over Trump. They were willingly to vote for a dementia addled nincompoop with a corrupt bribe taking family led by a crackhead son. A man who could barely string words together into coherent sentences (even when reading from a teleprompter). Some have suggested there are some who are “on the fence” (independents) who might care about such lies, but I wonder if there are enough of them in key battleground States/districts?

    1. Every little bit helps, Tim. I bet that narrative picked up votes and weakened a little opposition attacks. Who knows? It might even count in a perverse way as a diversity check box. He’s the pet soldier.

  2. I am a combat vet (I’ve actually been shot at, and awarded a Purple Heart). All of that combat was while I was in the Air National Guard (yay me).

    I don’t fault Walz for deciding to not deploy. Combat is a young mans game and the guard selects for age and experience. And a MSGT is an important position, but not essential – nobody is.

    The rest of it, is disqualifying as far as I’m concerned.

  3. His claiming to have carried guns in war was funny, since he served in Italy. Was he at Anzio? All the bull about boomers ashamed they didn’t go to Vietnam is asinine. 5 deferments? I didn’t have any deferments at all. I simply was never drafted. Vietnam, hell. I probably would have died in basic training. In 1968 I had the emotional maturity of an 11-year-old, and the only adult thing about me was my dick.

    PS: my contribution to national security came a few years later, when I worked for the USN as a marine machinery mechanic. It was the coolest thing I ever did.

    1. The Battaglia di Puglia, trying to get the Parmigiano Reggiano on his plate.

      He was heartbroken to learn he wasn’t deployed in a Olive Garden

  4. Another issue are his ties to China. I’m seeing propagandist osint types saying he helped anti communist groups. These same accounts defend his lies about his military service, claiming they never happened, and did the big switch from Biden is fine, to Biden has to go, to Biden is fine again.

    I don’t know if these people are paid or do it for love but they do coordinate and follow orders.

    1. Yes speaker wire helps. I have a pair of Monster Cables in like 4 gauge copper stranded. Could double as welding cables I suppose. I have them packed away somewhere. But back in my twenties somehow I let sanity prevail and settled for those instead of the liquid mercury delay line speaker cables. Something about leakage…

      1. In those days the rule was if your stereo didn’t cost more than your car, or could poison you, or drive you deaf or crack the plaster in your house on the Direct To Disc 1812 Overture cannons. What was the point? I had a college buddy who tested his audio mono-block power amp using a 60Hz input signal with the output connected to an electric fry skillet.

      2. I exaggerate. 12-gauge stranded I believe. But all copper, None of that copper-clad aluminum crap. BTW I checked over at TheAbsoluteSound. I found high end speaker wire that runs $20,000 and up. Just so you know…

    2. Their propaganda skills are unmatched. Nothing about Walz is cool. He is old, fat, balding, wears glasses, lacks a sense of humor, is bossy, and has poor fashion choices.

  5. Lileks.
    We have something up here called Minnesota Nice, usually mentioned by people who think it’s anything but, and regard it as a form of passive-aggressive standoffishness. Often, that’s so. Sometimes, it’s not. We are nice, but while it’s sometimes insincere, it’s sincerely insincere.
    Way more than “Often” I’d say. Anyway, a great read.

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