16 thoughts on “Peace In Palestine”

  1. Kinda crazy how our media isn’t covering the Democrat’s pro Hamas rallies.

    Still see new articles about 20 guys pulled out of a uhaul in Idaho years ago but zero news about ongoing kill the Jews rallies.

    I don’t know if anyone here watches network news, but they are all in on the pro Hamas propaganda. A little strange that everyone who is against Israel isn’t treated the same way as people who are not super enthusiastic about war in Ukraine or that many people who support Ukraine don’t want to defeat Russia’s allies.

      1. I think the feds bungled the investigation and a bunch of these guys had their charges dropped too.

    1. It’s climate is classed as “an extremely hot dessert.” I looked at the temperature table, and the highs were 6 F lower than what we routinely had in San Bernardino, CA during the summer, and the lows about comparable.

      If anyone ever occupied and developed that patch of ground into a thriving country, it would immediately be be seized by both Egypt and Sudan.

  2. I thought after 9/11 that the only road to peace in the Middle East was to do unto the Palestinians as they would do unto Israel. But maybe there’s something less drastic. I read an article a while back about Arabs and the Strong Horse–maybe if it could be sufficiently well demonstrated that terrorism was the weak horse that the survivors would decide to play nice. Maybe decimation would be sufficient.

  3. Those interviews of young people in cafes and on the street are a bit disengenious.

    Collaborators are treated . . . harshly. Political conformity is rewarded. You know, sort of like an American college campus.

      1. Hence my college campus comparison. Many think this way, but the ones who do not dare not speak.

  4. I see only two ways for there to be peace between Israel and Hamas.

    1. Hamas wipes out Israel, or
    2. Israel wipes out Hamas.

  5. The so-called “Palestinians” have certainly been a major thorn in Israel’s side for decades. But “Palestinians” are also cordially loathed and detested by every other Arab Islamic polity in the region as well. Some people are just constitutionally incapable of ever playing nicely with others and we should acknowledge this sad fact and support the only end that can ever be truly made of the “Palestinian problem” – namely, the end of “Palestinians.” Israel simply needs to permanently annex both Gaza and the West Bank and forcibly remove the entire “Palestinian” population from both places and dump it in Syria. Their “Arab brothers” will quickly – and permanently – put paid to them and that will be that.

    1. Maybe it’s because I just moved to Tennessee and am able to contrast it with Oklahoma, but I’m getting strong “Trail of Tears” vibes from this conversation.

      1. I don’t know why that should be. The Trail of Tears was tragic because it was inflicted on the Civilized Tribes, as they were known at the time, whose only offense was being in the way. If you’re looking for a Native American analog to Hamas, you’d be a lot closer picking the Comanche. Like “Palestinians,” anent other Arabs, the Comanche didn’t get along with other Native Americans.

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