11 thoughts on “The Art Of Democratic Democracide”

  1. C’mon man. It is not like a White House visitor sneaked past the rope line and walked out wearing a pair of heavy rubber-soled shoes.

  2. My own opinion is that the Republicans are pushing hard for Joe to be 25th’d in order to put Kamala in charge prior to the election and hope for (Democrats would say foster) an October crisis. Probably in the foreign policy arena in order to demonstrate her incompetence prior to the election.

    The Democrats feel no such compulsion as Joe has shown to be a team player at this point and Joe retains the ability to pardon Hunter as his final act, a good incentive to toe the line.

    However a ringing endorsement of Kamala from Joe might have been a parting stick in the eye to team Obama.

    After all it came in a separate statement, removed in time from the announcement of Joe leaving the race. Which I think is notable. Why? Did something fall through?

    In the end tho, it doesn’t it matter who is the front man or woman. The blob beneath remains.

  3. When to the milk cartons and telephone pole flyers with Brandon’s “Have you seen this man” picture on them start to appear?

    1. Milk cartons are last century. What the authorities will do is issue a “Silver Alert” on your smartphone.

      1. Forgot about those.

        Maybe someone can also hack those highway message boards, too.

        And television stations (remember those?) can run a nightly announcement, too: “It’s ten o’clock. Do you know where your President is?”

  4. Democrats are destroying democracy by engineering a veritable coup through forcing out Biden from the race—but not from the presidency.

    Sorry that’s gibberish. Coup doesn’t mean a president dropping out of a future reelection, but not resigning now. I tire of the many expansive definitions that the political factions have been pushing for years.

    1. Did you see the Web article about the list of words, the misuse of each knocks 50 points off your SAT Verbal score? “Veritable” must be one of them.

      The word people in ‘Sconsin have the most trouble with is “nuanced”, which is keeping with Mr. Evers being among 5 governors rushing to endorse Ms. Harris.

      The words I would have picked as stumping Wisconsinians, however, are “sobriety” and “body mass index.”

  5. Whatever occurred may, actually, fit the definition of “coup” if rumors (and that’s all they are, for now, due to the “anonymous sources” issue) are true that the way they got Biden to step aside was a secret vote of the cabinet and VP invoking the 25th amendment, and blackmailing Biden with it, and making a deal; he stays on as president for the rest of his term, in return for stepping aside. .

    If they did indeed take an actual vote to invoke the 25th, Joe Biden is legally no longer in power, and Harris is acting president. Doesn’t matter if they cut a deal, the vote is legally binding, regardless of whether it’s released or not. And, by tying release of the vote to Biden stepping aside, they’ve defacto stated that the vote was a fraud. (Either the 25th should be invoked, or it shouldn’t be, there’s no middle ground on that.). So, that would indeed be a coup.

    Crazy conspiracy theory? Maybe. But we’re talking about the same people who, when trying to force Biden to step aside, were promising a “process” to choose a new nominee, a process that would involve at least some of the Democrat voters. But, that was long, long ago (Most recently, Saturday) so it’s conveniently forgotten now, the be same people (Their pet media very much included) who kept assuring us all that Biden was mentally just fine to serve until 2029!

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