9 thoughts on “The Latest SpaceX “Scandal””

  1. Success breeds jealousy. Dave Ramsey is not a perfect man, but he sells a valuable product. He has a few former employees on YouTube talking about what a horrible man he is that he spoke out against the COVID propaganda in his corporation of 900 plus people.

    Elon has even bigger jealous competitors in the “old space” community who would do anything to take him down a notch while deflecting from their own (Boing) incompetence.

  2. 1960s NASA was Bro Culture too.

    1960’s NASA was also successful.

    Correlation? You decide.

    1. And before that, Bruderkultur. Rocket engines were not the only reason they wanted thousands of liters of ethanol.

  3. Sounds like BS.

    The knives have been out for Musk. Former employees are targets for the DNC media to generate attacks.

  4. Yes. If I were a Blue Origin investor, I’d be sending them a bucket of nuggets and a fifth of Jack Daniels every Friday.

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