4 thoughts on “Mark Judge”

  1. Safe to assume, he pissed thru the 100k he was given 7 years ago. Guess the part of trying to live the quiet life was a joke too, with his book writing and semi regular gig at the Washington Examiner and all. Me thinks the whole Kavanaugh thing is probably one of the biggest windfalls in this alcy life besides getting his inheritance and being able to move up a floor or 2 in the house he lived in for the most part of the past 59 years. Got to love the cottage grievance grift industry that the right has become.

      1. Face it this character is Hunter Biden with a less famous family name to trade in for money. This article essentially called the play 5 years ago

        Yet there’s a phenomenon that tends to play out within right-leaning media that could act as a safety net for Judge. It’s possible for the author-turned-columnist to assume the role of a martyr, mauled by the left-leaning media and Washington elite.

        “In this huddle from the right-wing playbook, Judge would enter the scene as the victim of a ‘liberal smear’ who weathered the storm and helped Kavanaugh to success in the end,” Holt says.

        Judge’s best bet, Holt says, would be to try for a gig at a publication that has a “low barrier to entry” like Gateway Pundit, the Federalist, or maybe even at the Daily Caller again.

        Since I got your attention, something I came across. What is this friend of yours/relative/commenter/coworker/sock puppet , referring to ? Before the shuttle first flight you were warning about the risk, I like to see that article/memo/presentation?

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