3 thoughts on “Biden’s Lies”

  1. Someone I knew for years was a “Topper” — in any conversation he had to say something bigger, better and more impressive about himself: if you had a nice car then he had a ‘Police Interceptor’ that he bought at an out of state dealer. He was a compulsive exaggerator and a serial liar basically. I finally told him that I just flat didn’t believe anything he said because he just couldn’t stop exaggerating even if he didn’t need to.

    Biden just can’t help lying and the infirmities of old age starting catching up with him several decades ago. He just can’t keep track of all his ‘tall tales’ and in senility is losing what ability he had to ‘read the audience’.

    1. Joe Biden has always been a profoundly stupid man who lies about himself, his accomplishments, his experiences, and just about everything else. His ongoing senility is a force multiplier for his stupidity and lying.

  2. “Joe Biden has always been a profoundly stupid man who lies about himself, his accomplishments, his experiences, and just about everything else. His ongoing senility is a force multiplier for his stupidity and lying.”

    Yes. My guess is assuming he (lies/geezers) his way to a democratic party primary victory he will be dumped at the democratic convention following such. Especially if by then his poll numbers are crap. The so called unpledged “super-delegates” will be used to get rid of him in favor of another (not sure who that would be). Of course said poll numbers being “crap” is likely dependent on what happens on the Republican side; i.e. does Trump manage to beat the charges against him or will there be another contender.

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