The World In Panic

…as science announces retirement.

[Afternoon update]

On a more serious note, the downfall of “America’s doctor.”

We should never again allow one bureaucrat to accumulate that much power and influence.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Good riddance to Fauci and his calamitous, costly career.


[Update Thursday afternoon]

Dr. Fauci’s legacy.

Makary (and Bhattacharya, and others) was right all along, and Fauci was basically wrong all along.

5 thoughts on “The World In Panic”

    1. The downfall of “America’s doctor.”

      I thought this would be further whining about Mehmet Oz’s slippage in the polling for the PA Senate race?

  1. We should never again allow one bureaucrat to accumulate that much power and influence.

    It’s a natural process. Take some problem or disaster that nobody wants to touch and few are competent to handle, and sometimes the person who ends up stuck with it turns it into an empire. So, expect it to happen again and again.

    1. I am against Authoritarianism. Experts tend to stagger through life with blinders on to Real World complexity -or- become arrogant and assume that be credentialed means omniscience. I have a sister that delights in stating “I. Have. A. Doctorate. From. John Hopkins!” as if Biology PhD has any relevance to the subject discussed…

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