Science is where facts, the truth, changes. Interpreting science requires nuance.
And scientists, for the most part, are TERRIBLE at expressing nuance, and the media is positively, deathly, allergic to it: Show them a nuanced point of fact, and they are 100% gobsmacked.
Anyone who signed this letter has compromised themselves as scientists. If someone wishes to go out and protest, fine, but that doesn’t change the risks involved simply because of the subject matter of the protest. You may feel some protests are morally virtuous and others morally inept, and because of a concept of a higher virtue, some protests are worth taking the health risks involved in the act of protesting. And that is fine, but it has nothing to do with the science of virology. People don’t really understand the definition of amorality. And a virus is the stereotype of amorality. (Hint: It is not the same as immoral. To be judged a moral (righteous) or immoral (evil) actor requires a requisite knowledge of what constitutes morality and ethics. Items we reserve for people. But the amoral actor is not acting on any principle of morality. Because it is not aware of it. Not at all).
“Unless you engage directly with eliminating racism, you are perpetuating it. This moment calls for profound and meaningful change. #ShutDownAcademia and #ShutDownSTEM is the time for white and non-Black People of Color (NBPOC) to not only educate themselves, but to define a detailed plan of action to carry forward.”
The first ask but then you have to leap the enthusiasm hurdle which is always raised higher. Displaying enthusiasm is an arbitrary standard and that allows for culling people for whatever reason and for furthering cult like domination over groups of people.
He lost me at ” Many are fabricated outrages that serve as pure tests of tribal loyalty. President Trump is particularly adept at manufacturing these to demonstrate his prowess at bending our politics to his ego by generating weeks of intense arguments over some ephemeral insult or violated taboo.”
I thought that was what the left did.
SJWs always project.
Since we’re all the same under the skin, they literally can’t do anything else. They have to assume that we all think and behave the same way they do.
Democrats have set things up so that they are against racism and that everyone else is for racism, never mind that the progressive marxists will eventually realize that the Democrat party is the longest lasting symbol of racism and oppression in our country. Consider that when they make their reason of existence to combat something no one is for, they have a perverse incentive to insure that problems never get solved.
Systematic racism, as it is portrayed by the Democrats, does not exist. They gaslight people into believing it. Widespread racism, as the Democrats portray it, doesn’t exist in our country, so they have to invent new ways to consider things racist or fabricate events.
No one have done more to make people of different races suspicious of each other than the constant racial chauvinism of progressive marxism that the Democrats started pushing hard in the Obama years. Why is that? Because racial division, rather than looking at everyone as Americans, is how they profit and gain power.
It’s interesting story. This bit:
“The latest example has involved the protests (and at times riots) that have broken out across the country after the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis. Their cause is just, and when they remain peaceful these protests are surely a force for good. But even acknowledging the evidence that outdoor transmission is uncommon with normal activities, there is simply no doubt that hundreds or thousands of people marching in close proximity and yelling increases the risk of spreading the virus. Yet after months of their supporting lockdowns, scolding those who violate social-distancing rules, and even demanding that some elections be postponed, we now find not only progressive political leaders but even public health experts downplaying the risks.”
One can think of protesters as medical guinea pigs. I don’t think the guinea pigs are going to die or cause deaths from spreading the china virus. Or would bet they kill or injure more people physically
than compared any virus related damage.
And they aren’t peaceful. They like any mobs run by idiots. They not “surely a force for good”. A rock concert would be far more “a force for good”. Any baseball game would have been far more “a force for good” then any rock concert.
I am deeply disappointed with MLB baseball with their timid action.
The corruption their last two playoffs, was a minor problem, and wasn’t going to refuse to watch it, because of it. But now, not going to watch baseball, they have already missed their chance. They are officially, nobodies.
Though the author made what I think were one or two faux pas (asserting the protesters cause was “just”, which is an opinion), he’s right that American’s have become so tribal most are unable even to make evaluations of the evidence on the nature of the virus without first looking through the evidently mandatory ideological filters.
check out Policy and Procedure Manual . Earlier today section 5-311 gave details on which chokeholds and neck restraints were permitted. Now that’s gone down the memory hole and been replaced by a blanket prohibition.
From Wayback machine
5-311 USE OF NECK RESTRAINTS AND CHOKE HOLDS (10/16/02) (08/17/07) (10/01/10) (04/16/12)
Choke Hold: Deadly force option. Defined as applying direct pressure on a person’s trachea or airway (front of the neck), blocking or obstructing the airway (04/16/12)
Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)
Conscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure. (04/16/12)
Unconscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure. (04/16/12)
The Conscious Neck Restraint may be used against a subject who is actively resisting. (04/16/12)
The Unconscious Neck Restraint shall only be applied in the following circumstances: (04/16/12)
On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or;
For life saving purposes, or;
On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective.
Neck restraints shall not be used against subjects who are passively resisting as defined by policy. (04/16/12)
After Care Guidelines (04/16/12)
After a neck restraint or choke hold has been used on a subject, sworn MPD employees shall keep them under close observation until they are released to medical or other law enforcement personnel.
An officer who has used a neck restraint or choke hold shall inform individuals accepting custody of the subject, that the technique was used on the subject.
Will be interesting to see at the trial if all those procedures about medical attention and observation and information were followed.
I have not looked into it, but according to Scott Adams, if taking
Fentanyl a person can die by going unconscious.
Not case with other drugs.
And George Floyd was drug user, and the autopsy indicated Fentanyl.
Bad link?
Science is where facts, the truth, changes. Interpreting science requires nuance.
And scientists, for the most part, are TERRIBLE at expressing nuance, and the media is positively, deathly, allergic to it: Show them a nuanced point of fact, and they are 100% gobsmacked.
Anyone who signed this letter has compromised themselves as scientists. If someone wishes to go out and protest, fine, but that doesn’t change the risks involved simply because of the subject matter of the protest. You may feel some protests are morally virtuous and others morally inept, and because of a concept of a higher virtue, some protests are worth taking the health risks involved in the act of protesting. And that is fine, but it has nothing to do with the science of virology. People don’t really understand the definition of amorality. And a virus is the stereotype of amorality. (Hint: It is not the same as immoral. To be judged a moral (righteous) or immoral (evil) actor requires a requisite knowledge of what constitutes morality and ethics. Items we reserve for people. But the amoral actor is not acting on any principle of morality. Because it is not aware of it. Not at all).
“Unless you engage directly with eliminating racism, you are perpetuating it. This moment calls for profound and meaningful change. #ShutDownAcademia and #ShutDownSTEM is the time for white and non-Black People of Color (NBPOC) to not only educate themselves, but to define a detailed plan of action to carry forward.”
The first ask but then you have to leap the enthusiasm hurdle which is always raised higher. Displaying enthusiasm is an arbitrary standard and that allows for culling people for whatever reason and for furthering cult like domination over groups of people.
He lost me at ” Many are fabricated outrages that serve as pure tests of tribal loyalty. President Trump is particularly adept at manufacturing these to demonstrate his prowess at bending our politics to his ego by generating weeks of intense arguments over some ephemeral insult or violated taboo.”
I thought that was what the left did.
SJWs always project.
Since we’re all the same under the skin, they literally can’t do anything else. They have to assume that we all think and behave the same way they do.
Democrats have set things up so that they are against racism and that everyone else is for racism, never mind that the progressive marxists will eventually realize that the Democrat party is the longest lasting symbol of racism and oppression in our country. Consider that when they make their reason of existence to combat something no one is for, they have a perverse incentive to insure that problems never get solved.
Systematic racism, as it is portrayed by the Democrats, does not exist. They gaslight people into believing it. Widespread racism, as the Democrats portray it, doesn’t exist in our country, so they have to invent new ways to consider things racist or fabricate events.
No one have done more to make people of different races suspicious of each other than the constant racial chauvinism of progressive marxism that the Democrats started pushing hard in the Obama years. Why is that? Because racial division, rather than looking at everyone as Americans, is how they profit and gain power.
It’s interesting story. This bit:
“The latest example has involved the protests (and at times riots) that have broken out across the country after the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis. Their cause is just, and when they remain peaceful these protests are surely a force for good. But even acknowledging the evidence that outdoor transmission is uncommon with normal activities, there is simply no doubt that hundreds or thousands of people marching in close proximity and yelling increases the risk of spreading the virus. Yet after months of their supporting lockdowns, scolding those who violate social-distancing rules, and even demanding that some elections be postponed, we now find not only progressive political leaders but even public health experts downplaying the risks.”
One can think of protesters as medical guinea pigs. I don’t think the guinea pigs are going to die or cause deaths from spreading the china virus. Or would bet they kill or injure more people physically
than compared any virus related damage.
And they aren’t peaceful. They like any mobs run by idiots. They not “surely a force for good”. A rock concert would be far more “a force for good”. Any baseball game would have been far more “a force for good” then any rock concert.
I am deeply disappointed with MLB baseball with their timid action.
The corruption their last two playoffs, was a minor problem, and wasn’t going to refuse to watch it, because of it. But now, not going to watch baseball, they have already missed their chance. They are officially, nobodies.
Though the author made what I think were one or two faux pas (asserting the protesters cause was “just”, which is an opinion), he’s right that American’s have become so tribal most are unable even to make evaluations of the evidence on the nature of the virus without first looking through the evidently mandatory ideological filters.
check out Policy and Procedure Manual . Earlier today section 5-311 gave details on which chokeholds and neck restraints were permitted. Now that’s gone down the memory hole and been replaced by a blanket prohibition.
From Wayback machine
5-311 USE OF NECK RESTRAINTS AND CHOKE HOLDS (10/16/02) (08/17/07) (10/01/10) (04/16/12)
Choke Hold: Deadly force option. Defined as applying direct pressure on a person’s trachea or airway (front of the neck), blocking or obstructing the airway (04/16/12)
Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)
Conscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure. (04/16/12)
Unconscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure. (04/16/12)
The Conscious Neck Restraint may be used against a subject who is actively resisting. (04/16/12)
The Unconscious Neck Restraint shall only be applied in the following circumstances: (04/16/12)
On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or;
For life saving purposes, or;
On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective.
Neck restraints shall not be used against subjects who are passively resisting as defined by policy. (04/16/12)
After Care Guidelines (04/16/12)
After a neck restraint or choke hold has been used on a subject, sworn MPD employees shall keep them under close observation until they are released to medical or other law enforcement personnel.
An officer who has used a neck restraint or choke hold shall inform individuals accepting custody of the subject, that the technique was used on the subject.
Oops– forgot to add wayback link
Will be interesting to see at the trial if all those procedures about medical attention and observation and information were followed.
I have not looked into it, but according to Scott Adams, if taking
Fentanyl a person can die by going unconscious.
Not case with other drugs.
And George Floyd was drug user, and the autopsy indicated Fentanyl.