9 thoughts on “The Power Of “No””

  1. This from Minneapolis pol Lisa Bender:

    “Last week she said “[w]e are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety”

    “Do you understand that the word, dismantle, or police-free also makes some people nervous, for instance?” Camerota asked. “What if in the middle of [the] night, my home is broken into? Who do I call?”

    “I mean, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors,” Bender said. “And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege. Because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done.”
    “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together,” he said in a tweet. “We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response. It’s really past due.”

    “Top Minneapolis pol ducks question on how ‘dismantle’ police push would affect crime victims, cites ‘privilege'”

    This is the level of idiocy of some of our elected officials

    1. It echoes Obama, it is their turn to suffer. People of privilage haven’t been the victims of home invasion, robbery, rape, and murder, so they must experience it collectively in order to have empathy. Privilaged people haven’t been abused by the police but that will soon change as policing is turned over to squads of devoted progressive marxist agents.

      Democrats are returning to their Jim Crow KKK roots.

      1. She might be shocked to discover that if her house gets robbed and burned as part of “civil unrest”, insurance probably won’t cover the damage, or so I have heard from many sources.

        She’s also unaware that she’s likely made herself a target for anyone who gets burned out and figures that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, karmic justice, etc.

        1. “…if her house gets robbed and burned as part of “civil unrest”, insurance probably won’t cover the damage, or so I have heard from many sources.”

          Should I check my House insurance policy? Wonder if it covers “civil unrest”?

    2. “This is the level of idiocy of some of our elected officials”

      This is the level of idiocy of most of our elected officials.

      They’re not elected because they’re competent, they’re elected because they look good on TV. They only get away with it because few of them ever have to deal with real problems during their time in office.

    3. Stop taking leftists, particularly radical leftists at their word. These are naked disinformation ops. If the mayor had said she was going to implement a police commission to review all police work etc etc the effect wouldn’t keep the media firestorm going. This is all an operation to take out Trump and if that fails at least preserve the Democrat majority in congress by canceling the black vote for Trump. It’s just too bad that so many people had to suffer for the Democrats to hang on to the levers of power, but eggs and omelets.

      1. It is strange the when the Democrats are against something, they think Trump, and everyone else, must be for it. As the article notes, the Democrats turned universal condemnation into Democrats vs everyone else. They wont let Trump agree with them and will instead scapegoat Trump for what happens in Democrat cities.

  2. The power of no is what we going to do, by electing Trump and all the stupid Reps in huge landside election.

    But at moment we should be saying, yes.
    Local mayors should have done better job in terms their police force.
    The main problem with police forces {or even the FBI] is unions.
    Let’s get rid of the police so we can get rid of the police unions. No police is effectively, no police union.
    And we are of course not going throw away the people who are current called the police. They are people who know how to police and there mostly great people. But their union, we can toss straight into the trash can.
    It’s not possible to say anything good about police unions, which preventing bad cops from being fired or prosecuted.
    So get rid of the police and get rid of the teacher, and call them something else. All we is need is something good to call them, that worth fighting about. I don’t have any good suggestion.
    I don’t think we should call them community organizers, but if it means getting rid of police unions, I will along with such a term.
    I would prefer community executive organizers, which can then be called CEOs.
    But perhaps, maybe better: local community executive organizers, and call them LCEOs.

    1. Even worse, in the instance that a police union can’t prevent an officer from being fired, they can still prevent their termination and record from being released to other jurisdictions. So a toxic/abusive/deadly officer in one city/county/state can get fired and move on to another city/county/state where they have no idea the cop was dirty unless their antics made the news.

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